We do our best to ensure that the information on our website is accurate. But, we can’t accept any liability for the accuracy of content. Visitors who rely on this information do so at their own risk. The content we publish is free to re-use under the Open Government Licence.


Our website's material is copyrighted. This is unless stated otherwise. You may download copyright-protected material for free. You can save it to a file or printer without needing permission.

This is, if the material is reproduced accurately. It must not be used in a derogatory manner or a misleading context. If our material is shared, please mention the source (including the URL). Please also state its copyright status.

This does not apply to third-party material on our website. You need permission direct from the copyright holder to reproduce such material.

Planning applications

Planning applications, including:

  • Plans.

  • Drawings and other documents.

These are made available under Section 47 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 ("the Act"). By using this information, you accept and agree to the Act's terms.

You may only download or print material:

  • For consultation purposes.

  • To compare current applications with previous schemes.

  • To check if the work is finished per approved plans.

Further copies must not be made without the permission of the copyright owner. 

For more information, see our planning and developments page.


The copying and use of our logo and other council logos is not permitted. This is without prior approval from the council. You will need to send requests to the Communications team. Tell us who you are, the organisation you represent (if any), how and why you wish to use our logo. Please include your contact details with your request.


Our online maps are reproduced with the Ordnance Survey's permission. This is on behalf of The Controller of HMSO, Crown copyright. All rights are reserved. Any unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright. It may lead to prosecution or civil action. To reproduce OS material in any way, you must get permission from the Ordnance Survey.

Linking to our pages

You don’t have to ask permission to link to pages hosted on our website. We don’t object to you linking to our information that is hosted on other domains. But we don’t permit the use of our logos as promotional or hypertext objects. Please see the paragraph above on logos.

Linking to external pages

We are not responsible for the contents or reliability of any site we link to. Linking should not be taken as an endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee these links will always work. We have no control over the linked pages' availability.

Virus protection

We make every effort to check and test content on the website for viruses at every stage. It is best to run antivirus software on all internet downloads. We are not responsible for any loss, disruption, or damage to your data or computer. This is whilst you are on our website.

Viruses, hacking, and other offences

  • You must not misuse our website or introduce harmful material, like viruses. 

  • You must not try to gain unauthorised access to our website. Or any connected server, computer, or database.

  • You must not attack our website in any way. This includes denial-of-service attacks.

We will report any attacks or attempts to gain unauthorised access. This is under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. Reports will be sent to the relevant law enforcement authorities. We will also share information about you with them.

 The London Borough of Harrow owns the following website: www.harrow.gov.uk. If you notice any errors in content, please email: webeditor@harrow.gov.uk.