New SEND and Alternative Provision Strategy for Harrow

Share your views on Special Educational and Disability (SEND) and Alternative Provision in Harrow.

  • Children, young people, parents, carers and professionals invited to have their say on council’s SEND and Alternative Provision strategy.  
  • Consultation open until Tuesday 28 May. 

  • Comments will feed into the strategy to ensure we deliver quality service.

What could make a real difference to families and children with special educational needs?

The council’s SEND and Alternative Provision strategy for 2024-2029 is open for consultation.  

The strategy has been developed in partnership with services supporting children and young people with additional needs. This includes the council, health and voluntary services, and parent/care forum. And now the London Borough of Harrow want to hear from you to make sure the new strategy focuses on the things that matter to Harrow children with SEND and their families. 

Cllr Hitesh Karia, Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services said:  

“In Harrow approximately 2400 children with Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) are supported by the council. The demand for the support is expected to grow in line with national trends.  

“This is why there is significant work taking place to support children with additional needs. This includes a new special school at 265 the Ridgeway. Following the council’s recent decision to purchase the site, the Department for Education approved plans last week to build the school. This will welcome 292 more spaces. Also last week, the council approved plans for a further 30 places at Alexandra school.  

“We support thousands of children with EHCPs. We want to make sure the voices of children, young people, their families, and professionals supporting them are heard. With a growing demand for special needs provision in the borough, we want to make sure our strategy puts our children first and supports those most in need of help.  

“We are already making great strides to improve the lives of local children and families. Our services are improving, with more investment for SEND children and more specialist school places. However, we know we still have a lot more to do for our children and young people and those who attend Alternative Provision. 

“I therefore encourage everyone to share their views so that we can deliver the support our children and families need and deserve.”  

If you are a child or young person with SEND, a parent/carer, or a professional supporting children and young people with additional needs, you can take part in the survey at  MyHarrow Talk – Harrow SEND and Alternative Provision Strategy 

The Local Area SEND Partnership will review all feedback and use this to update the strategy. The final strategy will be published later this year. 


Alternative Provision is education arranged by local authorities for pupils who, because of exclusion, illness, or other reasons, would not otherwise receive suitable education; education arranged by schools for pupils on a fixed period exclusion; and pupils being directed by schools to off-site provision to improve their behaviour. 

Published: 15th May 2024