Support for gender-based violence and abuse
Find out what we are doing to safeguard vulnerable adults
Support and information about different types of abuse
Find out how the personal alarm service helps you live independently
Find out about our welcoming drop-in sessions
Extra support to help you keep active, mobile and healthy
Complete a carer's assessment or seek support as a carer
Apply for support if you are an unpaid carer of an adult
See what support options you may benefit from as a carer of an adult
Find out what care is available if you are about to leave hospital
Find out how you can help a vulnerable person make decisions
Find out how you can submit a complaint about your care
Advice on how to get mental health support
Find out what dementia is and what support is available
Find out what advice and support is available for you
Find out how you can apply to have a disabled parking space
Apply for a parking permit for people with disabilities
Find out if you can get a discount on your Council Tax
Find out if you are eligible for the payment this winter
Find out what benefits you may be entitled to
Find out about providers of care and apply to be a provider
Find out what support is available if you are deaf or blind
Find out how you can make a referral for occupational therapy
Find out what the emergency duty social workers do
Find out how we are trialling A.I. in adult social care
Find out how you can help house a person with disabilities
View a list of care homes in Harrow
View accessibility guides for different locations in Harrow
Find out about helping vulnerable people in care
Advice for anyone in Harrow aged 18+ to support well-being
Find out how we go about getting the best support for residents
Find out how we monitor the performance of service providers
Find out how we support our elderly residents in Harrow
How we provide the best support for children and young people
How we provide the best support for people with learning difficulties
How we provide the best support for people with mental illnesses