You should apply for Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support as soon as you can.
- If you are of State Pension Age or over you may be eligible for Housing Benefit. It can be awarded for up to 3 months before you made your claim.
- If you are of State Pension Age or over, and not in receipt of a working age benefit*, you may be eligible for Council Tax Support. It can be awarded for up to 3 months before you made your claim.
- If you are under State Pension Age you may be able to get your Housing Benefit claim backdated for up to 1 month and Council Tax Support for up to 3 months. You will need to have had a good reason for not making your claim earlier. This reason must last through the whole of the period you want to claim backdated benefit for.
To request backdating you will need to ask for it on your application form.
If you have already submitted your application form, you can make a request using the General enquiry form.
*Income Support, Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit