Council Tax Support disputes and appeals

If you disagree with your entitlement to Council Tax Support you can submit a dispute.

How to submit a dispute

You will need to provide the following information:

  • the date of the decision you are asking us to review - you can find this on your Council Tax Support letter
  • the reason you believe the decision is wrong
  • any evidence to support what you are telling us

You need to provide all of the above information for us to consider your dispute. You must submit your dispute within one month of the date your claim was assessed.

You will need to sign in to your MyHarrow Account to access the form.

SIgn in to submit a dispute

If you prefer you can submit your dispute by posting a letter to the Council Tax Support disputes and appeals office.

Checking the progress of your dispute

We aim to consider your request and respond to you within 2 months. If we are unable to make a decision on your dispute at that time, we will write to you to ask for more information.

You can check the progress through your MyHarrow Account. If we have finished assessing your dispute, we will send you a letter informing you of our decision. You will be able to view the letter on your account. If we have made a change to your claim and your entitlement has changed, we will send you a revised council tax bill. You will be able to view the revised council tax bill on your account. If you haven’t been sent a new letter or a revised council tax bill, we are probably still assessing your claim.

Paying your Council Tax during a dispute

You should continue to pay your council tax bill while your dispute is outstanding. Submitting a dispute does not allow you to withhold payment of the council tax owing in the meantime.

What to do if you disagree with the outcome of your dispute

If you disagree with the outcome of your dispute you can submit an appeal to the Valuation Tribunal office.

You need to submit your appeal within two months of receiving the outcome of your dispute. They will inform us when they have received your appeal and they will contact you to arrange a hearing. They will send you a booklet to explain their procedures in more detail.

The Valuation Tribunal will not be able to consider an appeal about the Council Tax Support scheme rules.

Checking the progress of your appeal

To check the progress of your appeal you will need to contact the Valuation Tribunal office. We will not be able to provide you with any information on the progress of your appeal.