Providing documents for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support

When you apply for benefits or report a change in circumstances, you will be asked to provide documents. These are necessary to confirm that the information you give is correct.

We advise you to submit the documents via our evidence upload form. We'll let you know if we need you to provide the documents in different format.

You have one month to provide the documents. If you need more time you must tell us as soon as possible using the Benefits General Enquiry Form.

If you are not the claimant, but need to send evidence for someone else's claim, please use the 3rd Party Evidence Submission Form.

How to provide information

Important points to remember

When submitting the information, remember the following to prevent delays:

  • provide the information requested as soon as possible.
  • provide all the information requested. Tick off each item we have asked for so you can be sure you have sent it.
  • provide it in the format requested. Each item will say ‘Original’ or ‘Copy’ so you know what format to send it as.

Ways to submit information in different formats


The easiest way to provide copies of documents is to send them using the online Evidence upload form. You can do this from home if you have a scanner, or by taking a photo of the documents with your smartphone. You can send them using the online Evidence upload form.

You can also submit copies of documents at Greenhill Library, College Road. Staff will scan your documents while you wait. You must bring the letter we sent you requesting information to be provided, and your claim reference with you. If you don’t have your claim reference, your documents cannot be scanned. 

Occasionally, we have to request original documents after we initially asked for copies. We will let you know if we need to see originals.


We only need to see original documents if we have asked for them. To provide original documents, go to Greenhill Library where staff will verify your documents and take a copy while you wait. On arrival, show a member of staff the letter with your original documents and they will verify them for you.

What is an original document for the purpose of Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support?

An original document is the hard copy of a document you hold. We cannot accept a copy or photo of an original document. The hard copy must be verified by council staff or, if you are a Housing Association tenant, then your Housing Officer may be able to verify it for you. Ask your Housing Association if they are on the council’s list of people who can verify documents

If you receive a document electronically such as an online bank statement, rather than a hard copy, then the electronic version will be treated as an original. You will need to tell us that you only receive the document electronically.

Additional information

If you need to provide a written response, rather than documents, you can:

  • Write your response electronically and send it using the Evidence upload form;
  • Handwrite your response and submit it using the online upload form, or take it to Greenhill Library to be scanned to your claim. 

Do not send documents by post as they are at risk of getting lost. The Council cannot be held liable for the loss of any documents. 

More information about how to provide your documents can be found online at: