Tell us about a change in your circumstances

Changes you need to report to us

You will need to let us know if there is a change to any of the following:

Rent or address

  • rent (private tenants only)
  • if you move to another address within Harrow or move out of the borough


  • a non-dependant e.g. grown-up children, an adult relative, a partner, or child moves in or out
  • a non-dependant starts or stops getting a state benefit
  • a non-dependant starts, stops, or changes employment
  • marital status: married, divorced or separated from your husband, wife, partner or co-habitant
  • children's education, such as if they leave school or start university
  • If you and/or your partner becomes a student
  • addition to the household, such as a new born baby


  • state benefits or allowances, or that of your partner
  • income or earnings, or that of your partner
  • income from tenants or boarders
  • someone starts or stops receiving Carer's Allowance, or the Carer's Element in Universal Credit, for looking after you. This can affect your entitlement to the Severe Disability Premium. This means you may get more or less Housing Benefit if you do not report this change.

Temporary absence

If you will be away from your property for a length of time, please tell us before you leave. For further detail, please see housing benefit while away from home.