Muslim burials

There is provision for the burial of people of the Muslim faith at the Harrow Weald Cemetery, Clamp Hill, Stanmore.

The Muslim section is designated as section “A”. It is located immediately on the right as you enter the cemetery from the gate on the Uxbridge Road (adjacent to the bus stop).

Interments are arranged via a funeral director through the cemetery office:

  • Tel: 020 8901 2665
  • Office hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
  • Burial times are Monday to Friday 9:30am to 3:30pm


All burials must be carried out with a wooden coffin or casket. Graves on the Muslim section are orientated in accordance with religious requirements. They are excavated to a depth necessary for one interment only.

Due to declining space our policy is to allocate the next available grave plot. It is not possible to select a plot, but you can make an appointment to view an allocated space. This can be organised once a booking for a burial is confirmed.


The council has two rates of cemetery fees. One is for people who are permanently resident in the borough at the time of their death. The other is for people who are not permanent residents here. The fee is doubled for those who were not permanent residents here at the time of their death. We will ask you for their permanent address details and check them against the electoral register for verification. 

In the absence of registration, non-resident fees will automatically apply. Conclusive evidence of permanent residence in the borough at the time of death is required to qualify for the lower fee.

For any enquiries please contact us via the details at the end of the page.