How to register a stillbirth

A stillbirth is when a pregnancy has continued beyond 24 weeks, but the baby dies before the birth.

Stillbirths should be:

  • registered within 42 days
  • recorded by the borough in which the stillbirth took place

To register a stillbirth so that the borough can record it, please contact us to book an appointment.

Stillbirths which have taken place outside the borough of Harrow

If you live in Harrow, but the stillbirth took place outside Harrow, you can also make the declaration at Harrow's register office. This includes a stillbirth that took place at Northwick Park hospital. 

The Harrow register office will note the details and forward them to the borough in which the stillbirth took place. You will then be sent the certificate. To make a declaration you will need to contact us to book an appointment.

Who can register the stillbirth?

The stillbirth can be registered by:

  • the mother
  • either of the parents if they are married at the time of the stillbirth
  • the mother and father together if they are not married to each other at the time of the still birth

In circumstances where neither of the parents can register the stillbirth, then the following people can make the registration:

  • someone who was present at the stillbirth
  • someone who is responsible for the stillborn child
  • the person who may have found the stillborn child (if the date and place of the stillbirth is unknown)

Before you start

What do I need to bring to the appointment?

You'll need to bring the following information:

  • the medical certificate issued by the doctor at the time of the stillbirth
  • the date and place of the stillbirth
  • the forenames and surname of the baby
  • father's full name
  • father's date and place of birth
  • father's occupation
  • mother's full name and maiden name if applicable
  • mother's date and place of birth
  • mother's address
  • date of marriage - if the parents are married

Please book an appointment via the contact details at the end of this page.

Fees to register a stillbirth

  • Registering a stillbirth: The registration costs £11 and is payable by debit or credit card.
  • Making a declaration of a stillbirth: The charge to make a declaration is £11 and is payable by debit or credit card.