Filming and the community

Harrow Film Services manages filming in Harrow. They represent the interests and benefits for the community and the council.

Allowing film producers to use Harrow as a setting:

  • raises the profile of Harrow to a wide audience
  • provides revenue for the Council

Money raised goes towards council services. It creates social value for the wider community and local causes.

London has a major international film industry. It generates over £4billion per year. It creates about 70,000 jobs. By managing filming, we are at the forefront of this exciting industry.

We encourage production companies to engage with Harrow's community before they start filming. This is to avoid disruption to the community. If disruption is likely, we encourage producers to make donations to local activities. They can donate to:

  • associations of residents and traders
  • community projects 
  • maintenance of local parks
  • charities

Filmmakers often offer opportunities to Harrow residents. This can include jobs for young people on film sets.