Becoming a childminder

Step-by-step guide to becoming a childminder

This guide is for people interested in becoming a registered childminder in Harrow.

  1. Pre-registration Meeting 
  2. Home based childcare training course  
  3. Paediatric First Aid Course
  4. Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2024
  5. Complete a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) application form 
  6. Health Declaration Booklet
  7. Childminder Application
  8. Support paperwork to help with your Ofsted Registration visit
  9. Public Liability Insurance
  10. Ofsted Registration Visit
  11. You are ready to childmind
  12. Harrow Families Information Service (FIS)
  13. H. M. Customs & Revenue
  14. The Inspection visit
  15. Registering with a childminder agency 
  16. Childminder Start Up Grant Scheme from September 2023
  17. Other considerations 

1 Pre-registration meeting

Attending a pre-registration meeting will provide you with all the information you need. This includes training courses, awareness of the environment, legal responsibilities and sharing experiences. Attending these will help you decide whether you wish to continue the training.

Book your place: pre-registration

To book your place please contact Families Information Service

Become a childminder

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2 Home based childcare training course 

The Council has teamed up with Stanmore College. They provide a Level 3, home-based specific childminding training course. The course title is Preparing to work in Home-based Childcare HBCA. It will enable you to understand how to set up a home-based childcare service. It must be completed before you can register with Ofsted.

  • The course takes 14 weeks to complete.
  • You'll need to do a verbal and written assessment to be accepted on to the course. You can take it at Stanmore College.
  • Once you are accepted on to the HBCA course, you can proceed with steps 3 to 5

Register your interest

To register your interest please email the Early Years team:

Email the Early Years team

Other HBCA training providers

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3 Paediatric first aid course

You will need to do a paediatric first aid course that covers infants and young children. You will have to pay for this course. Course fees vary depending on the provider. Learn in Harrow are a recommended provider.

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4 Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage 2024

Before starting the course you'll need to read the ‘Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage'. You will need to demonstrate to the inspector that you have fully understood it and can deliver it. Otherwise Ofsted will not be able to register you.

If English is not your first language, you must be able to speak it well enough to:

  • teach children in English
  • call emergency services
  • keep written records
  • understand instructions, such as labels for medication

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5 Complete a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) application form 

Before submitting your application to Ofsted please note the following. All applicants must complete a DBS check online. Anyone aged 16 or above who works or lives on your premises is connected to your application. They must also complete a DBS. It is recommended that you join the DBS update service

  • The DBS website provides guidance on applying for a criminal record check. Applicants must only use this service if they wish to apply for the childcare roles as set out in this guidance.
  • Applicants must have a DBS certificate number and register with the update service. This must be done within 19 days of the date the DBS application number is issued. Ofsted will not accept your application without a DBS certificate number. Neither will they accept it if you haven't subscribed to the update service. Each person must arrange to have their identity documents checked. This is in accordance with the guidance on the website.
  • If the applicant has lived abroad in the past five years they must disclose the countries they have lived in. Anyone else connected with the application must do so too. They can do this on the application form or declaration and consent form.
  • Where there is no reciprocal arrangement with the country of residence, the applicant will be required to provide extra evidence of their suitability to look after children. The evidence required depends on the person’s history and what they can supply to show their suitability.
  • A certificate of good conduct is the most common form of evidence required where people have lived abroad. The country of origin’s embassy should be able to provide the certificate.
  • If a certificate cannot be obtained, a reference from ‘a person of good standing in their community’ from the country in which they lived will be considered. This could be a doctor or lawyer.
  • For any DBS queries contact customer services 0300 0200 190

As part of your HBCA course at Harrow College, this stage will be explained to you in further detail.

Cost: £52.50

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6 Health declaration booklet

You'll need to complete a Health Declaration Form before applying for Ofsted registration:

  • Go to the Health Declaration Form 
  • Section A, relevant part of section B and declaration must be completed by you.
  • Speak to your GP to fill in Section C, GPs may charge a fee for this.
  • Once completed, scan or photograph the document and send with your unique reference number to

Cost: Variable - Your doctor will charge for this service (Between £20-150 dependent on GP).

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7 Childminder Application

Only when you have completed steps 1-5 do you then apply online to register as a childminder.

There are two forms to complete:

  • EYC – this is the main application form for registration as a childminder
  • EY2 – this is the declaration and consent form and an additional form if you choose to have childminder assistants.

Making an application

The online process guides you through the application. You only need to complete the sections that relate to your childcare. The forms have guidance notes to help you.

Security:  Access to Ofsted’s online services is managed via the Government Gateway. This is a secure system to protect the data and information you give. You will need to sign up for a Government Gateway account unless you already have one.

The application forms:  

Make sure that you, and others associated with your application, complete the forms. Ofsted cannot process your application if the forms have not been completed fully. Others named in your application should complete their EY2 forms using the Ofsted online system.

It is against the law to knowingly give information that's false or misleading in an application. You can be prosecuted and fined if you do this.

If you need any help contact Ofsted directly on telephone number: 0300 123 1231.

  • When Ofsted acknowledges receiving your application they'll explain how to pay their fee
  • Ofsted cannot complete your registration until you have paid the application fee. Please note that the fee is non-refundable.
  • Ofsted will arrange to visit you. This is known as a pre-registration visit.

It is useful to download the Early Years handbook. You'll find it at Childcare Registration Handbook Reference no: 150150.

Cost: £35 for Early Years and Childcare register £103 for childcare register only

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8 Support paperwork to help with your Ofsted Registration visit

When your Ofsted application is completed online, please read the following. This further support documentation will prepare you for your Ofsted inspection:

Becoming a Childminder

Further Guidance

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9 Public Liability Insurance (Cost variable)

  • Childminders must carry public liability insurance once registered.
  • Childminders will need to pay for their own annual insurance cover. The fee may include membership for additional benefits. These may include online training, and telephone support.
  • If you have assistants, you will be classed as an employer. As an employer, you must also hold Employer’s Liability Insurance.
  • Local Authority approved insurance companies:
    • Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY): telephone number 0300 003 0005
    • Morton Michel: telephone number 0208 603 0900

Cost: £60-£93 depending on the provider you choose

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10 Ofsted Registration Visit

Ofsted will arrange for an inspector to visit you once:

  • all suitability checks have been completed
  • the application fee has been paid
  • the childminder training has been completed

The inspector will telephone to confirm the time of the visit. Whenever an inspector visits please ask for proof of identity.

The inspector will tell you what you need to have ready when they ring you prior to the registration visit.

Assessing your suitability

  • Checking your knowledge of all aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage (if you are registering on the early years register). As the registered person you are responsible for:

    • the recruitment of all staff
    • the learning and development
    • the safety of children who attend the setting.
  • Checking your premises. The inspector will want to see all the rooms that you intend to use for childminding, and any outdoor space. He or she will ask you:
    • how you have identified and minimised risk to children
    • how you intend to make your premises a suitable learning environment for children.
  • Checking furniture, equipment and toys. You'll need to explain to the inspector how you organise your premises and equipment to deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage. And how you will give the children opportunities to play outside each day.
  • In the case of childminder applicants you do not need all of the equipment at the time of the visit. However, you must be able to tell the inspector how you are going to provide it. The equipment must meet the needs of all of the children in your care. You must be able to provide it as soon as you are registered.
  • At the end of the visit the inspector will tell you if you're ‘suitable’ or ‘not suitable’ for registration. You can withdraw your application at this stage if you think it is going to be refused.



  • Congratulations you are now a registered childminder
  • The Harrow Early Years Team are available to support you before Ofsted re-visiting

Not suitable

  • Being refused registration disqualifies you from applying in future. It’s important that you have all necessary documentation in place in order for Ofsted to make a decision. This includes:
    • criminal records checks
    • your health declaration
    • a first aid certificate
    • and knowledge of EYFS.

If Ofsted register you, they will send you a registration certificate and tell you how to get information about what will happen next.

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11 You are ready to childmind

  • Once you have received your Ofsted Registration Certificate and Public Liability Insurance Certificate you are ready to childmind.

You cannot childmind until you have copies of both these documents.

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12 Harrow Families Information Service (FIS)

  • Ofsted notify Harrow FIS of all new registrations.
  • FIS will email you a questionnaire. It will ask for details of your vacancies, days, times, and age ranges of children and information relating to the childcare you offer.
  • Complete and return this form with your signature (either by post or a scanned email). FIS will then advertise your vacancies/details by telephone, printed list and website.
  • You can choose not to advertise your vacancies
  • It is your responsibility to keep FIS informed of your vacancies on a regular basis. Let them know any changes to your contact details. If our details are out of date you may miss vital updates.
  • Harrow Early Years will contact you via FIS with details of:
    • termly forums
    • annual conferences
    • training
    • industry updates

Contact Families Information Service

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13 H. M. Customs & Revenue

There are 2 free support tools from HMRC:

 You will need to inform H. M. Customs & Revenue of your childminding business.

  • You have up to three months from your first day of childminding in which to register with H. M. Customs & Revenue.
  • Failure to do this may incur a penalty charge.
  • If you have assistants you will need to register as an employer. This is because any employee must be on your payroll.
  • There is advice and guidance relating to HMRC on the Harrow Early Years website. Alternatively you can contact HMRC directly Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm on 0300 123 1083.
  • The living wage ensures everyone aged 23 and over receives at least £10.42 an hour (April 2023) with the figure rising to £11.44 by April 2024.
  • If you become an employer you should also check your responsibility for pensions auto-enrolment.
  • Self Assessment Guidance Webinars

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14 The Inspection visit

  • About 30 months after your pre-registration visit, Ofsted will make a follow-up inspection. This is to ensure all that is required is in place, and provide you with an outcome Ofsted grade.

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 15 Registering with a childminder agency

A childminder can register with a childminder agency. They will provide a range of services to its childminders and parents. Childminding agencies were introduced by DfE in 2013. They're obliged to provide training, administrative support, marketing, and advice. They carry out assessments of childminders registered with them and provide access to holiday/sickness cover.

 16 Childminder Start Up Grant Scheme from September 2023

The Department for Education (DfE) announced a childminder start-up grants scheme. Recipients must have completed their childminder registration between 15th March 2023 and 31st March 2025 before applying for the grant. Childminders must apply for the grant within 2 months of registering or launch of this scheme. Childminder registered with Ofsted will be offered £600 and for childminders registered with a childminder agency will be offered £1200.

17 Other considerations

Fire Safety

You can seek advice and general information on fire safety matters from your local fire authority. You will have to meet any recommendations made by your fire authority. For a free home fire safety visit please contact: 0800 0284428 to make an appointment.

Planning permission and building control

You can seek advice on planning permission from the Harrow planning department. You must ensure that the local authority building control and/or planning department is satisfied with the standard of any building work undertaken.

Information Commissioner

If you intend to take photographs of children as part of your ongoing observations, you MUST register with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). This costs £35 per year.

The ICO has guidance on the restrictions that childminders and childcare providers have on taking and using photographs of children. Further information can be found on the Information Commissioner’s website.

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