Babysitters, Nannies and Au Pairs
Babysitters are individuals who look after your children in your own home for a short time.
Babysitters are non registered childcare providers. We do not have a list of babysitters. It is your responsibility to choose and find a reliable babysitters by interviewing and taking up references.
Nannies and Au Pairs
Nannies and au pairs are known as home childcarers who look after children of any age in their own homes.
Nannies do not have to register with Ofsted but can choose to voluntarily register which means that parents may be able to get help with childcare costs.
For further information on Nannies - please visit Nannies - Ofsted
An Au Pair is a young foreign person above the age of 18 who helps with housework and childcare in exchange for food , room and money. They are not registered childcarers and cannot register with Ofsted.
For further information on Au Pairs - please visit the British Au Pair Agencies' Association.