Registered childminders

  • Childminders are home-based childcare providers. They may be suitable for you as they work from their own home and are more flexible.
  • They must complete all relevant training, be registered and inspected by Ofsted.
  • Childminders will also be able to pick up and drop of your child to and from nursery/school.
  • Childminders follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum for children from 0-5.
  • Childminders can provide childcare service before and after school.

How to ensure safety of your child with a childminder

To ensure that your child is with a safe childminder, you can request to see their childminder registration certificate. You can view their Ofsted inspection report.

Find a childminder

You can search for childminders using the buttons below

Registered childminders in Harrow

Or you can customise your search to meet your requirements, with filters for:

  • childminders with vacancies
  • special needs support
  • school drop-off and pick-ups

Customise your search

Help with costs

Childminders are eligible for the following schemes:

Find out what support you can get using the Governement's Childcare Calculator

Choosing a childminder

See the PACEY website for guidance on choosing the right childminder.