Single person discount

Single person discount review

The London Borough of Harrow continually reviews discounts. This is to identify people who attempt to cheat the system.

Each year local authorities nationwide receive lots of applications for single person's discount. Sadly some applications are not genuine.

Respond to a Single Person Discount Review letter

If we've sent you a Council Tax discount review letter, please respond using the form below. 

  • you'll need to confirm your current details
  • you'll need your unique PIN number, which you'll find on the letter

Single Person Discount Review


Legislation exists which allows us to prosecute Council Tax cheats. Those prosecuted are made to pay back the money they owe.

Checks are made to ensure everyone who claims the discount is genuine. However occasionally circumstances may not be so easy to explain. To help in these situations we have included the most frequently asked questions that can arise throughout this review period.