Holiday service information
The council tax, benefits and business rates telephone line will be closed from 25th December and reopen on 2nd January. During this time, you can contact us through our webforms and MyHarrow Account.
You can register for Council Tax online. Your bill will be sent to your address within five working days after you register.
Before you start
You will need to have:
- the full postal address and postcode of your new home
- the date you bought your home or started your tenancy there
- the date you are moving in (if different from above)
- the full name(s) of anyone living in the property who is 18 or older
- your landlord's name and address if you're a tenant
- your bank details if you want to pay by Direct Debit
You can sign in to MyHarrow before you start. If you don't have an account, select 'Complete a form without registering'.
What happens next?
You should get your bill within five working days. If you don't, we may have had to look into your registration in more detail.
This can happen if:
- you ask us to open an account using dates which are too long ago
- the date you are moving into the property is more than 14 days away
We will contact you if we need more information.
When you have received your bill you can: