
What is the census?

  • Every ten years, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) runs a census. A census documents who lives in England and Wales. It looks at the makeup of local neighbourhoods.

The census looks at elements to get a picture of an area, such as:

  • Work.
  • Health and education.
  • National identity and citizenship.
  • Ethnicity.
  • Home ownership.
  • Language and religion.
  • Marital status.

The statistics are then used to build a picture of today's society. We produce census population statistics. This enables us to get the government funding we need for public services. This is done by all local authorities in England and Wales.

Our funding depends on the census. It says how many and what kind of people live in our area. On average every person is worth around £500 per year in funding to the council. So, if the census were a few households short, it could affect people's lives. The census must include everyone. So, it's important everyone takes part.

The 2021 census

The most recent census was completed in 2021. The 2021 census took place on Sunday, 21st March 2021. The ONS sent letters to all households in England and Wales. The 2021 census was the first done mostly online. 

First Release

In June 2022 the following information was published:

  • Usual resident population by sex.
  • Usual resident population by five-year age groups.
  • Usual resident population by sex and five-year age groups
  • Usual resident population density.
  • Number of households with at least one usual resident.

Key Findings for Harrow

  • The total usual resident population in Harrow on census day was 261,300 people.
  • The 2011 census for Harrow recorded 239,100 people. Harrow's population is estimated to have increased by 22,200 (9.3%) since 2011.
  • Our population is now the highest recorded level. This is based on records going back to 1901.
  • The total number of households increased to 89,600. This is up by 6.6% between 2011 and 2021.
  • The average household size in Harrow is now estimated to be 2.9 people.

Full findings and comparisons with the 2011 census can be viewed on ONS.gov.uk.

2021 census reports