Citizenship ceremonies

Every year in Harrow we welcome new British citizens through our citizenship ceremonies.

Book a ceremony

You can only book a citizenship ceremony if you have received an invitation

The invitation will be from the Home Office. You need to book your ceremony within three months of receiving your invitation. If three months has passed since you got your invitation contact us at

What you will need when booking your ceremony online:

  • your full Home Office reference number (including the dash marks ‘-‘)
  • your full name

You will need to bring your invitation and Passport or photo ID to your ceremony.

Book a ceremony

All citizenship ceremonies take place face to face. 

You must attend a citizenship ceremony if you:

  • are 18 and over
  • have successfully applied to be a British citizen.

We can provide group and private ceremonies. At the ceremony you'll make a citizenship oath, or affirmation and pledge to His Majesty the King. You'll do so in the presence of either:

  • the Superintendent Registrar
  • the Deputy Superintendent Registrar

At the end of the ceremony you get a certificate of naturalisation.

Group ceremonies can last up to two hours.

Private ceremonies

To arrange a private ceremony please contact us. when you have received an invitation letter. The ceremony takes place at The Pavillion.

Ceremony fees

Ceremony Cost
Group ceremony No charge
Individual private ceremony


Couple's private ceremony


Additional adult family member


Citizenship ceremony photograph
(taken at group ceremonies only)


Frequently asked questions

  • I have dual nationality. Does this affect my voting rights?
    No. As long as you meet one of the criteria and you are registered to vote, then you can vote.
  • Can British Citizens living abroad vote?
    British citizens living abroad can vote in the UK parliamentary election but not in local elections.
  • I have lived abroad for more than 15 years does this affect my right to vote?
    British citizens living abroad for more than 15 years are not eligible to register to vote in UK elections.
  • I have just become a British Citizen what do I do?
    You should apply to be put on the electoral register, otherwise you will not be eligible to vote.

Information on how to register is available on the Electoral Commission's website.