Throughout all consultations it is important to understand the residents' experience. They must have access to consultations and the opportunity to air their voice. We want to listen and learn from our community before we make decisions. Our consultation standards allow us to do this.
We will be:
Open and transparent, making the level of influence participants have clear. We'll explain any constraints, such as resources or legal requirements.
Clearly communicate using Plain English instead of acronyms and business jargon.
Visible and accessible providing a range of opportunities to get involved. We'll make it as easy as possible for our diverse communities to have their say.
promote our consultations using a range of channels.
involve local Councillors, making sure they are aware of consultation activity
Coordinated and organised, joining-up consultation activities where it makes sense to do so. We'll have clear plans to undertake consultation effectively.
Allow appropriate timescales giving people sufficient time to respond. We'll allow enough time to digest and properly consider responses when making decisions.
Flexible, responding where possible to any changing needs of consultees and the organisation.
Strive for continuous improvement and make a difference. We'll take steps to quality control consultation, evaluate success. We'll then and analyse and consider all feedback received.
Share results and explain how feedback has been considered.
These standards will help to support a consistent experience from all Council consultations.
Standards report
These consultation standards were set in January 2023: Consultation standards report