Emergency planning

Robust and resilient contingency plans

The council has a legal duty to provide and maintain robust and resilient contingency plans. This comes under the terms of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004.

Emergency planning covers plans and procedures for emergencies that affect large communities. Organisations involved in drawing up the plans include the:

  • government
  • emergency services
  • health services
  • the local authority

The London Borough of Harrow has a small team of staff dedicated to preparing plans for Harrow and ensuring that the council meets their duties under the 2004 Act and other legislation.

Harrow is part of the larger West London Local Resilience Forum. They form a group of agencies, all of which play a part in the event of an incident curring. These agencies include:

  • The Metropolitan Police
  • The London Fire Brigade
  • The London Ambulance Service
  • volunteer agencies such as the British Red Cross

This group works together, sharing information, and responding consistently. The council's Emergency Planning Team also helps plan for London-wide and national emergencies.

Always call the emergency services on 999 to report an emergency.