
What is governance?

  • Governance is about how we, the council, ensure we do the right things. It means doing them right for the right people. And, act in a timely, open, and honest manner. 

At Harrow, we value honesty, transparency, and integrity. We want everyone to thrive and to become their best. We must do business legally and to high standards. We use systems, processes, and values to guide our actions. These elements help us lead and engage with the community. They also help us stay accountable for our actions.

Corporate governance helps us make decisions. It ensures that we have:

  • Strong leadership
  • High ethical standards.
  • A dedicated focus on public service.

Governance ensures that public money is safeguarded. It also ensures that public money is properly accounted for and used effectively. We review our governance arrangements every year.

This also includes a review of our systems of internal control. This is an evidence-based self-assessment. Corporate and divisional directors oversee the assessment.

The review assures, from many sources, that our governance is adequate. Where there are gaps, actions are planned to ensure good governance. The outcome of the review is detailed in the Annual Governance Statement. It is published with the Statement of Accounts. 

Managing Director and Directors

  • Alex Dewsnap. Managing Director and Head of Paid Service.

The list of current directors at London Borough of Harrow:

  • Sharon Daniels: Strategic Director of Finance and S151 Officer
  • (Currently vacant): Strategic Director of Corporate Resources and Transformations
  • Cathy Knubley: Strategic Director of Culture, Environment and Economy
  • Emma Talbot: Acting Director of Regeneration and Housing
  • James Mass: Strategic Director of Adults and Public Health
  • Parmjit Chahal: Strategic Director of Children Services
  • Jessica Farmer: Strategic Director Legal and Governance

Senior Manager structure

The senior officers at the London Borough of Harrow are:

  • Responsible for the day to day running of the council.
  • Employed by the council to carry out policy decisions made by councillors.
  • Responsible for a budget of over £600m.

They have improved services and saved over £50m in four years. The 'pay multiple' is the ratio of the highest to the median salary of the Council's workforce. It is 1:6.

View the latest Senior management structure - last updated 4th March 2025

Senior Manager pay

View previous senior management pay structures below: