Our Corporate Plan 2023/26

Our corporate plan was agreed by Cabinet on 16th February 2023. The plan is called 'Restoring Pride in Harrow'. It outlines how the borough will be a place everyone is proud to call home. Where new people are confident to put down roots, grow their family and thrive.

In the plan, you'll learn about our ambitions and direction of travel. At the heart of the plan are three corporate priorities.

Flagship actions

There are also 24 flagship actions. These are actions we feel will produce real life benefits. They include:

  • Building more homes and improving roads.
  • Investment in green travel.
  • Tackling anti-social behaviour.
  • Improving health and well-being.
  • More neighbourhood resources, to name a few.

Our corporate priorities

The new corporate plan priorities are for us to be:

  • A council that puts residents first.
  • A borough that is clean and safe.
  • A place where those in need are supported.

Read our corporate plan