Publication scheme

What is the publication scheme?

The scheme shows our commitment to share some information on a regular basis. Examples of these may include:

  • Policies and procedures
  • Meeting minutes and agendas
  • Annual reports and data.

We also need to list any fees for accessing information.

Methods of publication

We clearly state what information this scheme covers and how to get it. We provide the information on our website, where possible. Sometimes we can't put the information online, or it may not be practical. In this case we will help you find the information by other means.

In rare cases, some information may be viewable only in person. In such cases, we will provide contact details. You can then book an appointment. Information will be provided in the language it is held. Or, in a language that is legally required.

Where we are legally required to translate any information, we will do so. We will provide the information in a way that meets disability and discrimination laws.

Fees and charges

This scheme aims to provide the public with information at low cost and effort. Our charges for published material will be clear and fair. Material published on our website will be free to access. Parliament has set a charge for some information. 

Charges may be made for actual costs incurred, such as:

  • Photocopying.
  • Postage and packaging.
  • The cost of physically viewing information.

There may be charges for providing information. This may happen if the charges are:

  • Legally authorised.
  • Charged in all circumstances.
  • Related to the principles of the right of access to information.
  • Justified or
  • Under a published schedule of fees, readily available to the public.

Charges may also be made for making datasets that are relevant copyright works available for re-use. These charges will be under the terms of the regulations made under section 11B of the Freedom of Information Act (FOI).

If there are charges, we will let you know of any amount due before information is shared.

Submitting an FOI request

You can request information by writing to us. This is for information we hold that is not published under this scheme. For more information, see our FOI page. You can view requested information on our disclosure log.