
What is scrutiny?

  • Scrutiny is a process for councillors and members. They review and make recommendations about decisions. It helps ensure that our decisions are in the best interests of our residents. All while ensuring we provide quality services. The result is a report with the findings and recommendations.

We are required to set up Overview and Scrutiny Committees (OSC). This is a requirement of the Local Government Act (LGA) 2000. Scrutiny can review and make recommendations to:

  • Local council executives.
  • Local health bodies.
  • Crime and disorder partners.
  • Any organisation providing public services.

Scrutiny cannot compel these bodies. It can only persuade them.

Scrutiny Committees

We have a main committee known as the OSC. It is supported by two sub-committees:

  • Performance and Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee.
  • Health and Social Care Scrutiny Sub-Committee.

Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Performance and Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee

Health and Social Care Scrutiny Sub-Committee

Scrutiny lead members

There are eight scrutiny lead members. They play a critical role in driving and overseeing success. Scrutiny lead members must operate mostly on their own. 

Their role includes:

  • To become champions in specific service areas. By developing knowledge and expertise.
  • To meet quarterly with the relevant directors.
  • To take part in the Scrutiny Leadership Group. A quarterly meeting which is key to the programme.
  • To hair scrutiny reviews in their areas, and much more. 

For 2023/24, the scrutiny lead members were:





The scrutiny team handles:

  • Holding local decision-makers to account. (For their decisions).
  • Comment and challenge the performance and delivery of services.
  • Identify and investigate problematic areas of services.
  • Identify options for improving services.
  • Help us and our partners respond to the changes in policy and the changes in Harrow.
  • Listen to local people's views on life in Harrow.

Councillors involved in decisions cannot be in an OSC. They must reflect the political balance of the council.

Scrutiny annual reports

We are required to report annually on our scrutiny activity. You can download the scrutiny annual reports by year below:

Completed scrutiny reports

We have an archive of completed scrutiny reports dating back to 2002.

If you need a copy of a report that is not available, email:

You can view the scrutiny work programme for 2022-2026 on Modern Gov. (See item 52).