What is an Honorary Alderman?
- English councils can create Honorary Aldermen. It's the highest award for a former councillor. It is awarded for exceptional service to the council. This is done at a special meeting of the full council. An Honorary Alderman can attend as an observer at Council meetings. They can also attend any other meetings open to the press and public. A seat must be reserved for this purpose. They may also attend civic events.
Honorary Alderman Richard Romain
Honorary Alderman Richard Romain was elected a Member of Council in 1982. He served for 32 continuous years. He served on various major committees, including:
- Chair of the Environment Services Committee.
- Traffic and Transport Committee.
He also served on:
- Education
- Development Control
- Governance
- Audit and Risk Management
- Pension Fund Committee involving strategic investment policy.
He was Leader of the Conservative Group from 1994 to 1996. He represented Harrow as Chair of the West London Waste Authority and other groups. In May 2014, he stood down as a councillor. On 12th June 2014, members voted to invest him with the title of Honorary Alderman. He accepted at a special meeting held on 24th July 2014.