What is voting by post?
- Voting by post is an alternative method to voting at a polling station. Anyone registered to vote can apply for a postal vote. No reason is needed to apply to vote by post.
To apply to vote by post, your name needs to be on the electoral register. For information, see the electoral registration page.
Applying to vote by post
If you are unable to apply online let us have your:
- name and address
- Your date of birth
- Your signature
- Your phone number
If you are unable to apply online, you can email the following to us:
- name
- address
- telephone number
You can email us at absent.voting@harrow.gov.uk.
Once registered to vote by post, you will receive a postal vote pack. This contains your ballot paper(s) and postal vote statement. When it comes time to post:
- Cast your vote on the ballot paper(s).
- Complete the postal vote statement. Include your date of birth and signature.
- Return your completed postal pack to us as soon as possible. It must be sent no later than 10pm on polling day.
We will compare your signature with the one from your postal vote application. This is to ensure your vote is secure.