Anti-social behaviour

What is anti-social behaviour?

  • Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is any action that causes alarm or distress to people not of the same household. It describes behaviour that harms or threatens individuals or groups.

Some examples of anti-social behaviour include but are not exclusive to:

  • Nuisance or inconsiderate neighbours
  • Street drinking
  • Using property for illegal use such as loitering or drug use
  • Damage to the environment including littering or dumping of rubbish
  • Vandalism, graffiti and fly-posting
  • Begging for money
  • Misuse of fireworks
  • Inconsiderate use of vehicles. For example joy riding or abandoning vehicles.

ASB on council estates and property

Unfortunately, ASB sometimes occurs on our estates. They may be victims or perpetrators. For our approach to ASB in our council estates and properties see:

Reporting ASB online

All reports of ASB are dealt with in confidence. We will, if you agree, discuss the complaint with the person it is about.

To take action against ASB you will need evidence. We will need you to help us collect this evidence. You can complete diary sheets. This outlines: who, what and when incidents happen.

When you submit a report online there are a few things that may happen including:

  • a letter of warning to the perpetrators
  • patrols by the local Safer Neighbourhood Team or police
  • Community Protection Notices. This requires an action to be taken or something to stop. In this instance, a fixed penalty notice. Or a prosecution can occur if breached.
  • a civil injunction. This is a court order that requires a person to do or stop doing a specific action
  • a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO). PSPOs are a set of local conditions based on evidence of ASB. For example, street drinking, gatherings, or dogs off the lead.
  • a Criminal Behaviour Order (which used to be known as an ASBO)
  • or closure of premises.

Reporting ASB

To report ASB you will need:

  • details of the incident(s) including days and times
  • information about the people involved
  • any witness information you may have.

Report anti-social behaviour

Hate crime

A hate crime is a criminal act motivated by prejudice or hostility. This is usually towards a person or their property based on their:

  • Disability
  • Race, colour, or nationality
  • Religion or belief
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender identity.

Harrow is a diverse borough and we celebrate our rich diversity. We are known for our inclusion so we have a zero-tolerance approach to hate crime.

We aim to raise awareness of how residents can report hate crime. Our aim is to bring the perpetrators to justice and get the victims the support they need.

Reporting hate crime

Community Remedies

A Community Remedy is a list of actions that can be used by the police. These are in response to low level crime and ASB such as;

  • Low level criminal damage
  • Low value theft
  • ASB (where no crime has been committed).

The list will give victims a say in how the offender is dealt with out of court. Examples are fixing the damage, attending mediation, or doing unpaid work.

Community Trigger

A Community Trigger gives victims the right to request a review of their ASB complaint. The local Community Safety Partnership (CSP) will complete the review.  The CSP is a collective of agencies which:

  • share information
  • review what action has been taken
  • decides if more actions are possible or needed.

When you can submit a Community Trigger

You can submit a Community Trigger if you:

  • have complained about three separate but related ASB incidents
  • and consider that no action has been taken.

These criteria must be met before you can submit a Community Trigger.

Submitting a Community Trigger

To submit a Community Trigger you will need to:

What happens next?

We will pass your report to the relevant agency for review within two working days. The agency will determine whether the criteria has been met. They will then accept or reject the Community Trigger. The agency will contact you in either case to inform you of the decision. Where the Community Trigger is accepted, a panel will decide how to carry out the case review. We will share any agreed action plan with you via your Community Safety Officer.