Host an event in a park

We welcome and encourage quality events that appeal to all ages. We host a range of events, from music and theatre to cultural and community events. We offer competitive rates and we will assist you in hosting your event every step of the way.

Applying to host an event in a park

When applying to host an event in a park, you will need to consider:

  • What is the purpose of your event?
  • What activities will take place at your event?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • When will the event take place?
  • Where will the event take place?
  • How will you manage your event?

Apply to host an event

Event hosting fees

As with all venues, there is a hire fee for events in our parks and open spaces. We charge fees based on the nature of your group, the size of your event, and the type of your event.

SIze of event   Application fee Daily hire charges Road closure Waste Management, Parking Suspensions, Equipment Hire
Small (Up to 499 people) Commercial £82 £545 £2,528 On application
Community £16.40 £109 On application
Medium (500 to 1000 people) Commercial £82 £1,090 £2,528 On application
Community £16.40 £218 On application
Large/Special event (Over 1000 people) Commercial £82 From £2,453 £2,528 On application
Community £16.40 £490.60 On application
Circuses / Funfairs Commercial On application On application £2,528 On application

Processing fee

The processing fee is a fixed, one-off charge to process your application. Other fees will vary. The hirer will receive an invoice for the cost of repairing any damage caused by an event.

The application fee covers:

  • checking, validating, and processing applications
  • liaising with internal and external parties to help with the event.

If we reject or cancel your application, your fee is non-refundable. The application process will need to be completed for all events.

Hiring fee

The hiring fee refers to the hire of parks, open spaces, and public highways with restricted movement. Park User Groups may have this fee waived. The waiver of fees will be at the discretion of the council.

Booking fee

Once the event receives approval, you must pay a booking fee of 10% to secure the date and venue. This booking fee is non-refundable.

Site hire fee

The site hire fee is charged to hire the park or open space for your event. The type of event will be the key factor in determining hire fees. A site inspection will occur before and after each event.

If any work is needed after the event, we will hold back some of the deposit. If no deposit applies, we will invoice the organiser to cover the costs. If costs exceed the deposit, we will charge the organiser for the extra fees. All extra costs to us resulting from the event are expected to be borne by the organiser.

Licensing fees

The event organiser will bear all fees for applying for a Premises Licence or a Temporary Events Notice (TEN). You can see current licensing fees at

Event delivery associated fees

All delivery fees for the event are the organiser's responsibility. We will charge the organiser for any costs from an event. These will include an admin fee set by the Divisional Director or their deputy.

Event hosting discounts

You may be eligible for an 80% discount if:

  • your event offers free entry/open to the public
  • you're a community organisation
  • you're a school
  • you're a place of worship
  • you're a registered charity in Harrow. (Event must be not be for profit).

For commercial, private or special events, the full fee is chargeable.

To receive a discount, you will need to provide:

  • Proof of address for the event organiser.
  • Details of the business of the organisation. This must be on a headed letter and the relevant Head/Lead Officer must sign it.
  • A completed application form. It details the event and confirms free, public entry.
  • Terms of reference for Charity/Community Group. (If this is applicable).
  • Registered Charity Number (where applicable)
  • Registered VAT Number (where applicable)
  • Park User Groups must be registered with our Community Engagement Team.

There will be no charge for some civic events, including Remembrance Day.


If the organiser cancels a booking, there will be no refund if it's less than a month before the hire date. Cancellations with a month or more notice will incur a 50% fee. If the application fee is not paid or cleared a month before the event date the site will not be available.

We may cancel events and refuse use of the park or open space. This applies if the hire terms, legal requirements, or finances are unmet. It also applies in the case of bad weather or other unforeseen events. Cancellations will rest with the Corporate Director or Nominated Deputy.

Event locations

We have got over 20 parks and open spaces for hire. They suit a range of events, including fairs, parties, picnics, festivals, theatre shows, and sports. You can check location availability on the EventApp Calendar.

Processing time frames

We know how long it can take to organise an outdoor event. So, we have put together some basic timeframes. This is to help you allow time to plan and deliver your event. We need a set amount of days before an event to process your application:

  • Small events for 0 to 499 people: 8 weeks' notice before the event date.
  • Medium events for 500 to 1,000 people: 12 weeks before the event date.
  • Large events for over 1,000 people: 20 weeks before the event date.

We will only make a booking for an event at a site once a completed application is received. Permission to use council-owned land for an event does not guarantee the event will take place.

There may be occasions when we may need to change or cancel your event. We will do our utmost to assist with your event wherever possible.

Some or all of the following teams may seek comments:

  • Licensing
  • Noise
  • Environmental Health
  • Building Control
  • Planning

We may also notify the Police about received applications. Events should reflect well on the council and local stakeholders. We will not permit an event that is likely to offend. The events will be considered by the Corporate Director or Nominated Deputy.


An event with licensable activities requires a Premises Licence or a TEN. A TEN may cover small events. For larger events, you may need to apply for a Premises Licence. Some of our open spaces are already licensed.

As well as holding these licences, you may also need to produce a risk assessment. To find out if you need a Premises licence, see our Premises licence page.

For exemptions to any of the activities, see the DCMS website.

Temporary Event Notices (TEN)

Small events for 50-200 people, including staff, do not need a Premises Licence if they last no more than 168 hours. A notice of the event must be given to the Police and the Licensing Authority. Only the Police can object to a TEN.

They may do so if the event might undermine crime prevention. Persons wishing to hold such events must give at least 10 weeks' notice to us and the Police. We recommend that you contact our licensing officers early in the event planning stage.

Premises Licences (time-limited)

Premises Licences apply to licensable events with over 200 people. A Premises Licence application is a more lengthy process than a TEN. An application must be made well in advance of an event.

We recommend that at least 26 weeks' notice is given should an event need a Premises Licence. It is the organiser’s responsibility to ensure enough time is given to apply for a licence before an event.

Frequently asked questions about events

Is it actually an event?

We define an event as any activity in a Harrow park, open space, or adopted highway. It takes place over a limited period only. It could be open to the public or not, and may restrict access to (all or some of) the open space. Thus, it impacts the normal recreational use of public space.

Who looks after safety?

The organiser is responsible for the safety at an event. We and our partners must ensure all health and safety guidance is followed. This includes reviewing:

  • risk assessments,
  • emergency evacuation plans and
  • method statements.

Please refer to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Health and safety paperwork need to be submitted with an application. Approval may take some time due to their complexity. If this is the case, enough notice will be given of any change in deadline.

What is a community event?

This is an event organised by the community for the community. Entry to the event is free. It is not for selling or promoting a commercial product. Community events are usually not-for-profit. They can get community discounts if they fundraise by charging an entry fee. Discounts will be offered only if all event proceeds benefit the community. Ultimately, it is up to us to decide if an event is a "community event."

What is a charity or fundraising event?

This includes events organised by not-for-profit organisations. It can also include fundraising events run by commercial companies. Examples of these include bike rides and charity runs.

What is a commercial event?

A commercial event is defined as an event that provides a beneficial gain to an individual, group or business. It can be for financial or promotional gain. Some examples include:

  • Corporate events
  • Commercial music, theatre, or comedy festivals.
  • Marketing and promotional activities for profit. (Not including charitable or fundraising)
  • Funfairs and circuses
  • Private events, like a wedding reception or party.

An event can fall into more than one category. The final decision on the purpose of an event will rest with us.

What is a private event?

A private event is where a site is reserved for the applicant and their paying guests. Examples include:

  • Private business functions.
  • Weddings and
  • Parties.

We will consider private events on an individual basis. The following factors will be considered:

  • Income generated.
  • Potential negative impact on residents. For example, loss of amenity to residents in the area.

What is a special event?

A special event is any licensable event to which one or more of the following apply:

  • The number of participants exceeds 1,000 people per day.
  • The event will be on site for five days or longer.
  • Events considered to be particularly disruptive.

Funfairs and council-led events qualify as special events. To preserve the site and minimise disruption to residents, we will limit the number of special events. We restrict them to no more than four per site in any 12-month period. Unless agreed, there should be a three-week gap between special events on any one site.

What is a street party?

We will choose a weekend each year when communities can have street parties. We will waive all fees for road closures.

How do you decide on an event approval?

The criteria below will decide if permission for an event is granted.

How does the event benefit Harrow residents?

Commercial events can boost community benefit. This can be through offering discounts or free sessions for certain groups or schools.

Who is the event likely to attract?

Is the event aimed at local residents or a wider audience? Greater weight will be placed on events that are aimed at a more local audience.

Does the event provide a safe experience?

Events must meet all health and safety, building control, and food hygiene rules. It must ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for attendees. Only food providers with a hygiene rating of 3 or above will be considered.

Is the event accessible, or can it be made more inclusive?

All events must have access for people with disabilities. As well as other under-represented groups. Facilities must be accessible to the mobility impaired. They must meet the Equality Act 2010. We may need event organisers to provide BSL interpreters and accessible toilets.

What impact does the event have on the local environment?

Events should minimise their impact on the local environment. This includes noise, waste, and energy use. They should not disturb wildlife. The event must have minimal impact on the park and its assets.

Does the event support the local economy?

We encourage any event that support local businesses and charities.