Report a fly posting issue

Fly posting is the displaying of adverts on bins, posts or walls without permission.

Permission is required to display an advert on highway-controlled land or structures. All enquiries should be made to our Highways department.

Adverts on private land or buildings may need planning permission. Enquiries should be made to our Planning department.

Reporting a fly posting issue

To report fly posting online you will need:

  • the location of the fly posting
  • information on the type of structure the advert is on
  • any extra information such as a photo (if it is safe to do so).

Report fly posting

We respond to all fly posting on public land, within three weeks. If there is evidence of the culprit, we take enforcement action against them. We can enforce against illegal advertising on both public and private property.

Fly posting on a bus shelter

We do not deal with fly posting on bus shelters. To report fly posting on bus shelters please call Adshel on: 0800 731 3699.

Fly posting on a railway bridge

We do not deal with fly posting on railway bridges. To report fly posting on railway bridges please report this to Network Rail.

Fly posting on a telephone booths or poles

We do not deal with fly posting on telephone booths or poles.