Report graffiti

Graffiti is a visual message involving the unauthorised marking of public space. It is generally illegal and carried out by an individual or group using spray paints.

Reporting graffiti

To report graffiti online you will need:

  • Information on where the graffiti is located
  • Any details of the perpetrator available
  • Any extra information such as photo evidence

Report graffiti

We remove graffiti from council maintained footpaths, roads and properties within three weeks. If the graffiti is offensive we aim to remove it within one working day.

We do not remove graffiti from private or business properties unless it is offensive. If the graffiti is on a private or business property the owner or company has a legal duty to remove it.

Graffiti on a bus shelter

We do not deal with graffiti on bus shelters. To report graffiti on bus shelters call JCDecaux on: 0808 164 5081 or visit the JCDecaux website.

Graffiti on a railway bridge

We do not deal with graffiti on railway bridges. To report graffiti on railway bridges please report this to Network Rail.

Graffiti on a telephone booths or poles

We do not deal with graffiti on telephone booths or poles.