Oral health

Tooth decay is high amongst children in Harrow and can cause hospital admissions. You can prevent it by:

  • Brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste (spit do not rinse)
  • Visiting the dentist (babies should be taken to their dentist when their first tooth appears)
  • Reduce sugar in the diet

Dental treatment is free for children up to the age of 19 in full time education. It is also free for expectant mothers until the child's first birthday.

NHS dentists in Harrow

To find your nearest dentist go to NHS dentist search

Adults and children with complex needs can be referred to Community Dental Services provided by Whittington Health NHS Trust. 

For information on costs and exemptions, see How much will I pay for NHS dental treatment.

Public health interventions to reduce tooth decay

Early Support offer free workshops at our Family Hub Network. Tto find out when these sessions take place, see Harrow's Family Hub Network or visit their Facebook page.

The Whittington NHS Trust offer training to schools and early years providers. For more information on this please visit Harrow Oral Health Promotion Team.

For more information about oral health, visit:

Health professionals across Harrow are trained to provide oral health advice in addition to your dentist. These health professionals include:

  • your health visitor
  • school nurse
  • school and early years nursery providers
  • childminder