July - environment

Cleaner, greener place and space to promote better health

Annual Public Health Report key messages

  1. The climate crisis is the biggest health threat of this century
  2. The climate crisis affects all of us: The global crisis has local impacts in Harrow, such as air pollution and heatwaves, which affect everyone throughout their whole lives
  3. Everyone can make a difference: Small acts we all do can have a big impact – walk more, enjoy Harrow’s parks, turn off lights, shop locally.

What is the climate crisis, and why does it matter?

The climate crisis may also be called the “climate emergency” or be more generally referred to as “climate change”. It is the long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns driven by human activities, largely burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. This releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere that trap the sun’s heat. The climate crisis has the potential to cause harm to all of us, and so urgent action is needed to stop this from happening.

If you want to read more about the climate crisis.

How is the climate crisis linked to air pollution and heatwaves?

The climate crisis and air pollution are interconnected. Gases produced by the burning of fossil fuels include harmful substances called pollutants. These pollutants remain in the air, reducing the quality of the air we breathe.

Rising temperatures and changes to weather patterns increases the likelihood of heatwaves. These are prolonged periods of excessively high temperatures, lasting several days to weeks, which we tend to experience in summer months. Heatwaves are becoming more common and severe in the UK.

Air Pollution

How is air pollution affecting me?

Breathing in harmful pollutants can have a significant impact on everyone’s health, at every age. It increases your risk of lung issues like asthma, heart disease, stroke, cancer and dementia. Unfortunately, if you have an existing health condition you are more likely to be affected by air pollution.

In Harrow, air pollution levels have improved over recent years but remain high especially in areas around main roads. It is estimated that at least 7% of deaths in Harrow are caused by air pollution.

Read more about air pollution and its impacts, or you can watch this video.

How can I reduce the impact air pollution has on me?

The best way to reduce the impact air pollution has on all of us is by reducing the amount of harming air pollutants being produced. You can find our advice on how you can do this in the drop-down option “What can I do to reduce my impact on the Environment” below.

You can also help to protect yourself by using AirTEXT. This is an online tool which alerts you to high levels of air pollution. When air pollution levels are high, you can protect yourself by staying indoors or reducing strenuous physical activity. Closing external doors and windows that face a busy street during rush-hour also stops pollutants getting into your home, keeping the air in your house cleaner.

You can find more help and advice on how to reduce the impact air pollution has on you here.


How are heatwaves affecting me?

Heatwaves cause prolonged high temperatures which can cause dehydration and heatstroke, especially in more vulnerable groups like the elderly or children. If you have an existing health condition, particularly heart, lung or kidney diseases, this can also be exacerbated causing your symptoms to worsen.

People can sadly die because of heatwaves. In 2023, they caused over 2000 deaths in the UK, which is expected to triple by 2050.

How can I reduce the impact heatwaves have on me?

It is important that you keep cool and hydrated, drinking more water than usual. Keep out of the heat if you can. If you need to go outside, try to avoid peak heat hours, stay in shade and wear light clothing and sunscreen. You can also help to prevent dehydration by avoiding alcohol and caffeine.

Watch out for signs of heat exhaustion and heatstroke and check on vulnerable people like the elderly or those with existing health conditions.

You can also try to prepare for heatwaves by following the Heat-health Alert service provided by the Met Office.

Try to keep your living space cool – keep windows and blinds closed during the day to block out heat and sun. If possible, use fans or air conditioning. Have a cool shower or put cool water on your skin or clothes. Find further information provided by the NHS on how to cope in hot weather, or watch this video:




Local community

What can I do to reduce my impact on the Environment?

Every small action you take helps to create a healthier environment. These are often simple changes that you make to your everyday life.

You can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases and air pollutants you produce at home (and save money on bills) by turning off lights when you don’t need them, using LED light bulbs and other energy-efficient appliances and hanging clothes to dry rather than using your dryer.

Harrow’s Energy Advice service has many tips on how to save energy and reduce your bills at home, including a free appointment with an expert Green Doctor.

Consider taking public transport instead of driving your car, or even think about walking or cycling which is also hugely beneficial for your overall health and wellbeing. If you have an electric vehicle you can make the most of publicly available charging points installed by the council.

We all produce waste throughout the day, but you can reduce the impact of this by recycling or using compost bins. Also think about avoiding single-use plastics, for example buying a reusable water bottle that you can refill with tap water.

Find more information about how you can reduce your impact on the environment.

What is The London Borough of Harrow doing?

The London Borough of Harrow declared a climate emergency in 2019 and has a number of plans to address this including the Climate and Nature Strategy and Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The council aims to the carbon neutral by 2030, reducing fossil fuel consumption and subsequently reducing air pollutant production through greater use of renewable energy sources and decarbonising all council operated vehicles.

The council is enhancing public and active transport options and has invested in initiatives to support local residents in their efforts to cut carbon and air pollution production, such as the Energy Advice service and installing electric vehicle charging points.

Green space plans, such as improving tree and hedge planting through the Trees for Streets partnership, will help to cool temperatures, as trees and other plants have a natural cooling effect.

You can read more about the council’s plans here.

What are key dates for my diary?

There are a number of important dates related to the environment, the climate crisis, air pollution and heatwaves in 2025. These are some for your diary: