Council Tax Enquiries
Select an option from the list below to proceed
- My name has changed due to marriage
- My name is spelt incorrectly on my bill
- Report a name change by deed poll
- Report that someone has died
- Request proof of address
- I want to update my correspondence address
- I want to cancel a discount or exemption
- I want to reply to a Council Tax letter or email
- Add someone else to my bill
- Apply for a discount or exemption
- Apply for Council Tax Support
- Report a change of address
- Report that a tenant has moved
- Request a payment arrangement
- Request a refund
- Set up or cancel a Direct Debit
- I have received a Reminder Notice
- I have received a Final Notice
- I have received a Summons
- I want to know who should be responsible for paying Council Tax

My name has changed due to marriage
If your name has changed due to marriage, you can report it using the form below.
Before you start, you will need to have:
- Your Council Tax Reference number
- A digital copy of your marriage certificate, Maximum size 9.8 MB (Types: BMP, DOC, DOCX, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG, JPEG)

My name is spelt incorrectly on my bill
You can report an incorrect spelling on your bill using the form below.
You will need to have your Council Tax Reference number.
Report a name change by deed poll
Before you start, you will need to have:
- Your Council Tax reference number
- A digital copy of the deed poll document, maximum size 9.8 MB (Types: BMP, DOC, DOCX, GIF, JPG, PDF, PNG, JPEG)
Before you can access the form, you will be asked to sign in to your MyHarrow Account. If you do not have an account, please select 'Complete a form without logging in'.
Report that someone has died
Tell Us Once Service
Upon registering a death, the registrar should give you a 'Tell Us Once' (TUO) reference number.
You can use the TUO reference to report the death to multiple government agencies including the Council.
Report a death using Tell Us Once
Accessing someone's MyHarrow Account after they have died
We cannot grant you access to the MyHarrow Account of the person who has died.
If you are their spouse or are appointed as an executor, you can register for a new MyHarrow Account using your own email address.
You can then link the Council Tax Account to your MyHarrow Account using the Council Tax Account Reference number. Once it is linked you will be able to view the payments, balance and correspondence.
Register for a MyHarrow Account
If you need to inform the Council Tax Department of the death, you can let us know directly using the form below.
You will need to have:
- the name of the deceased persons and the date they died;
- the address where they lived
- the names and addresses of any executors or administrators to the will of the deceased person
- the name and address of an appointed solicitor if you prefer the council to deal with your solicitor directly

Request proof of address
You can view and print your bills on your MyHarrow Account.
Bills are only sent during annual billing each March, or if there is a change in circumstances. When you receive a bill it is your responsibility to look after it - we will not issue another one.
Log in or register for MyHarrow Account
If you cannot get your proof of address from the MyHarrow Account, you can submit a request below.

I want to update my correspondence address
If your contact address is different to the address for which you are paying council tax, you can update it using the form below.
You will need to have your council tax reference number.

I want to cancel a discount or exemption
If you are no longer entitled to receive a discount or exemption, you can report this using the form below.
You will need to have:
- your council tax reference number
- the date you want the discount or exemption cancelled from
- the reason for cancelling

I want to reply to a Council Tax letter or email
If you have received a letter or email asking for more information, you can send your reply using our evidence upload form.
- You will need to prepare and save your reply in an application such as MS Word, before attaching the saved file to the form. If you were sent a paper form, you can take a photo or scan the completed form.
- You will need to have your Council Tax reference number.
- You will be asked to sign in to your MyHarrow Account. If you do not have an account, please select 'Complete a form without logging in'.
Add someone else to my bill
If there is someone who lives with you who should be included on your council tax bill, you can report this using the link below.
You will need to provide evidence that they should be jointly liable for council tax, for example:
- Joint tenancy agreement
- Proof of joint ownership
You will need to have your Council Tax Reference number.

Apply for a discount or exemption
There are a range of discounts and exemptions that you might qualify for depending on your circumstances.
For a full list of discounts and exemptions and how to apply click on the link below,

Apply for Council Tax Support
If you have a low income, you may be able to claim a reduction in your council tax.
To find out if you qualify, and for details on how to apply, follow the link below.
Report a change of address
You must report the move using the Council Tax Move Form, even if other council departments have already been informed. This will help us to keep our records up to date.
Before you start
- If you are already a council tax payer in Harrow you will need to have your council tax reference number.
- If you want to pay by Direct Debit you will need to have your bank details.
- If you have purchased a 2nd property and still live in Harrow please complete the move form by selecting 'Moving into Harrow'. This won't affect your current property.
- Before you can access the form, you will be asked to sign in to your MyHarrow Account. If you do not have an account, please select 'Complete a form without logging in'

Report that a tenant has moved
If you are a landlord or managing agent you can let us know about a change in tenancies online.
Before you start
You will need to provide:
- the tenancy start and end dates
- the dates the tenants will be moving in or out
- full names of all tenants
- forwarding address for all tenants where applicable

Request a payment arrangement
If you are paying your council tax over 10 months from April to January, you can request to pay over 12 months from April to March instead.
The easiest way to request this is to set up a new Direct Debit. You will also be able to choose a different day of the month to pay.
Request an arrangement after a summons is issued
You can request an arrangement using our webform. Please follow the link below and read the instructions on the page before submitting your request.

Request a refund
If you have overpaid council tax, you can find out how to request a refund following the link below.

Set up or cancel a Direct Debit
Cancel your Direct Debit
To cancel your Direct Debit please contact your bank. If you have a balance on your council tax account a new bill will be sent to you within 20 workings days of you cancelling the Direct Debit.
If the reason for cancelling is that you have moved house, you must tell us you're moving home. The Direct Debit will stop after the balance is settled. If you have overpaid the credit will be refunded back to your bank account.
Set up or change your existing Direct Debit
You can set up a new Direct Debit, re-instate a previous Direct Debit or change your bank account details for an existing Direct Debit.
Before you start
You will need to have:
- your council tax reference number;
- your bank account details
- If you are reinstating a Direct Debit you should contact your bank first. They may not be able to reinstate the Direct Debit without prior warning.
- You cannot use this form if you have received a summons, instead complete the payment plan form.
- Before you can access the form, you will be asked to sign in to your MyHarrow Account. If you do not have an account, please select 'Complete a form without logging in'.

I have received a Reminder Notice
A reminder notice will be sent to you if:
- you haven't paid the correct amount of your instalment, or
- your payment has not been received by the correct date as shown on your bill.
You must pay the amount shown on the reminder notice within seven days of its issue date, which appears at the top of the notice.

I have received a Final Notice
You will receive a final notice after 2 reminders have already been sent and payment is late a third time.
You must pay the amount shown on the final notice within seven days of the date the notice was issued.
When a Final Notice is issued you lose the right to pay by instalments and you will have to pay the full balance. No other payment arrangement can be made for a final notice.

I have received a Summons
You will receive a summons if:
- you didn't pay the correct amount
- you didn't pay on time on more than one occasion
- your payments didn't reach your council tax account on time

I want to know who should be responsible for paying Council Tax
Find out who should be responsible for paying council tax using the link below
Only payments received by 28th February 2025 are shown on your bill. Check recent payments by logging into your MyHarrow Account.
Credit Balance
If you made a payment after 28th February 2025 and have a credit balance, deduct the overpayment from your 1st April 2025 instalment. Continue paying instalments as shown on your bill from 1st May 2025 onwards.
Changes in Liability
Any changes to your Council Tax liability after 28th February 2025 will not be shown on your annual bill. A new bill will be sent after 1st April 2025. Credit balances as of 28th February 2025 will reduce your 2025/26 instalments.
Bill Explanation: For an explanation of the bill content, see our example bill.
Why does my bill show a balance outstanding?
Any outstanding balance from 2024/25 or earlier that has not been subject to court proceedings must be paid by 31st March 2025 unless you have a payment arrangement in place.
Check your MyHarrow Account for instalment due dates as there may be a final payment due on a date in March 2025.
If you received a Summons and the balance is with Enforcement Agents, contact them to make payment.
If your balance is under a payment arrangement, keep it up to date to avoid court proceedings.
Balances subject to court proceedings will be marked on your Annual Bill.
Can I get a refund for the credit balance on my account instead of it being used to reduce what I owe for 2025/26?
You can Request a Council Tax Refund.
Requesting a refund will increase your 2025/26 monthly payments, and a new bill will be sent after 1st April 2025.
How can I make payment?
Details of how to pay are on the back of the Council Tax Bill, or see Pay your Council Tax
If you were previously paying by Direct Debit it will continue unless it has been cancelled.
Can I pay over 12 months instead of 10?
Yes. You can pay over 12 months if you:
- Set up a Direct Debit
- Submit a request using the Evidence Upload Form
Pay your April instalment first to recalculate the balance over 11 months. Otherwise, your revised bill will have 11 instalments from May 2025 to March 2026, increasing the monthly amount.
What should I do if I can’t pay on the 1st of the month?
All non-Direct Debit payments must be made by the 1st of each month.
If you cannot pay by the 1st, set up a Direct Debit to pay on the 15th or 25th of each month.
Can I stop the 1st of April Direct Debit from being collected?
Contact your bank to cancel the Direct Debit instruction.
To pay by Direct Debit in the future, you will need to Set up a new Direct Debit.
Why doesn't my bill show my discount/exemption/relief?
If you recently applied for a Council Tax reduction, it might still be processing.
Continue to pay as instructed until you receive a revised bill.
If awarded a full exemption and your account is in credit, you can request a refund.
Check if the discount/exemption/relief has been applied on your MyHarrow Account.
For details on discounts or exemptions, see Council Tax discounts and exemptions. You can upload your application using our Evidence Form.
What is the Premium showing on my bill?
The London Borough of Harrow charges a premium on long-term empty dwellings. These are homes that are no one's sole or main residence unoccupied and that have been substantially unfurnished for at least one year. The one-year period starts from the date the property first became empty. It does not restart if there is a change of owner.
Properties which have remained empty for at least one year will be charged an additional 100%, properties which have remained empty for at least five years, but less than ten years will be charged an additional 200% and for properties which have remained empty for at least ten years will be charged an additional 300%.
The premium is in addition to the usual Council Tax charge.
There is no right to appeal the level of the premium determined by the Council. You can appeal, however, if you believe that:
- you are not liable for the Council Tax; or
- the premium has been applied incorrectly
Are there exemptions from having to pay a premium for an unoccupied and substantially unfurnished home?
From 1st April 25, the Government introduced a range of exceptions (i.e. exemptions) for which the above premium will not be payable if the criteria are met. The exceptions do not apply retrospectively, and an application must be made for an exception to be considered. A summary of the exceptions concerned is given below.
- The property is or would be someone’s sole or main residence if that person were not residing in job-related armed forces accommodation elsewhere.
- The property is an annexe forming part of, or being treated as part of, the main dwelling.
- The property is being actively marketed for sale. (This is subject to a 12-month exemption limit).
- The property is being actively marketed for letting. (This is subject to a 12-month exemption limit).
- The property is an unoccupied dwelling that was exempt from Council Tax under Class F (i.e. where probate has recently been granted or letters of administration issued). This is subject to a 12-month limit from the grant of probate or letters of administration).
- The property requires or is undergoing major repairs or structural alterations. (This is subject to a 12-month exemption limit).
An application form and further information on Premiums can be found at Council tax empty property premium.
Unoccupied Furnished Properties / Second Homes
From 1st April 2025, properties that are no ones sole or main residence and substantially furnished, shall also be subject to a 100% Council Tax premium.
A Premium may not, however, be payable in the following circumstances:
- The property concerned is or would be someone’s sole or main residence if they were not residing in job-related armed forces accommodation,
- The property is an annexe forming part of, or being treated as part of, the main dwelling,
- The property is being actively marketed for sale, subject to a 12-month limit,
- The property is being actively marketed for letting subject to a 12-month limit,
- The property is an unoccupied dwelling that was exempt from Council Tax under Class F (i.e. where probate has recently been granted) subject to a 12-month limit from the grant of probate or letters of administration,
- The property is job related,
- Occupied caravan pitches and boat moorings,
- The property is a seasonal home where year-round permanent occupation is prohibited, specified for use as holiday accommodation, or subject to a planning condition preventing occupancy for more than 28 days continuously.
An application form and further information on Premiums can be found at Council tax empty property premium – London Borough of Harrow
My property is now occupied / I’ve moved out/sold my property
Can I get help to pay if I have a low income?
Check if you can get Council Tax Support.
Check your entitlement using the Benefits calculator
The Council Tax Support scheme may differ from other Local Authorities.
Will my bill show my Council Tax Support entitlement?
If you have previously applied for and become entitled to Council Tax Support, it will be automatically calculated for 2025/26 based upon your circumstances known to us.
If you recently submitted a new claim or change, pay as shown on your most recent bill until you receive a revised bill.
I don’t agree with how much Council Tax Support I am getting
View your entitlement on your MyHarrow Account.
If you believe your Council Tax Support in incorrect, write to the Council outlining your reasons and provide supporting documentation. For details on how to submit a dispute, see Council Tax Support Disputes.
If unsatisfied, appeal to an independent Valuation Tribunal within two months. Continue to pay your bill during the appeal.
Why is there not a separate amount for financing Adult Social Care on my bill this year?
The government has prescribed that the amounts for Adult Social Care should be comprised within the total amount payable to the billing authority (London Borough of Harrow) for Council Tax billing purposes.
The amount shown on your 2025/26 bill for London Borough of Harrow includes an amount for Adult Social Care.
Further information can be found in the Council Tax and Business Rates Guide 2025/26.
Why have I been charged for GLA?
Refer to the Council Tax and Business Rates Guide 2025/26.
I don’t agree with my Council Tax Valuation Band
Contact the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) with evidence or call 03000 501 501.
I’ve got an appeal outstanding for my Valuation Band; do I have to pay this bill?
Yes, pay the current bill until a decision is reached and you receive a revised bill.
How can I contact the Council about my Council Tax?
You may find the answer to your query on our Council Tax webpages
Submit an enquiry using our Evidence form
Contact details are also on your bill.
I am a Ukrainian National privately renting a home in the UK under the Homes for Ukraine Scheme
Apply for up to a 50% discount if you fall under the scheme. For details see Council Tax Discounts and the Homes for Ukraine Scheme.
I am currently experiencing difficulty in meeting my Council Tax payments
Contact the Council as soon as possible using the Evidence Form or visit Greenhill Library.
It may be possible to arrange a short-term payment plan and or review for whether you may be entitled to a reduction.
Where can I get assistance with my Council Tax enquiry?
Staff at Greenhill Library can help you access online services.
Address: Greenhill Library, Perceval Square, College Road, Harrow, HA1 1GX.
Service available Monday to Friday, 10am to 5pm (main library hours may differ).
Services include submitting enquiries, informing changes, making cashless payments, and submitting documents (which will be scanned for electronic access) at the library.
The Harrow Register Office for births, deaths, and marriages is also situated at Greenhill Library and is located in ‘The Pavilion’ next door to the main Library service.
99% of our customer interactions are now online or over the telephone. If you have an enquiry relating to Council Tax, you may wish to first visit our Council Tax webpages.