Houses in multiple occupation (HMO) licence

Make a change to your HMO licence

Vary your HMO or Self-contained units section 257 licence

You can make the following changes to your licence with a variation request:

  • Change the number of occupants
  • Change the number of households
  • Change of management or layout
  • If there are any other changes you would like to make, please mention them in your request.

Please send your variation request to

You may also want to provide an up-to-date floor plan of the property or tenancy agreement depending on your variation request.

Temporary exemption for HMO and Self-contained units (section 257)

You can apply for a temporary exemption for a HMO or Self-contained units (section 257) licence.

One reason for needing an exemption is if you are selling the property. Any other reason can be given in the application.

Temporary exemption is given for three months. If reasoning is valid, it can be extended for another three months. No documents need to be provided.

To apply for a temporary exemption, email your request to

Revoking your HMO or Self-contained units (section 257) licence

Reasons you may want to revoke your licence:

  • The property is now occupied by a single family
  • The number of occupiers is less than four
  • Property to become owner-occupied
  • Change of ownership
  • The licence holder and or manager is not considered a ‘fit and proper’ person
  • No documents need to be provided.

To request for your licence to be revoked, email your request to