Keeping up the pressure on those ignoring planning laws

A car being carried away

It was a frosty welcome from our Planning enforcement teams last week during a day of direct action.

Officers visited premises across the borough where notices have been served to ensure that Planning regulations are complied with.

Cars were removed from one residential property found to be using the house to sell vehicles for which the owner will be billed £10,000 and prosecuted. In another incident, despite partial compliance to council notices a new breach was found which is now being investigated. In other visits, rubbish and overgrown vegetation causing nuisance were removed. 

Cllr Marilyn Ashton, Deputy Leader and cabinet member for Planning and Regeneration said:

“We’re putting the pressure on those who think the rules don’t apply to them. In these instances, owners had the opportunity to resolve the issue, but instead the failed to comply with our Planning notices.

“Thanks to the work of our Planning Enforcement officers, further action including a prosecution will now follow. This should send a strong message to others - if you operate and build without planning permission you will face the consequences.

“We’ll continue to put our residents first and restore pride back in Harrow by taking strong action where necessary.”

Published: 18th December 2023