Week of Action: Keeping Wealdstone safe

Wealdstone week of action

Our third week of action took place in Wealdstone last week (22 January to 26 January) with a focus on community safety.

A joint taskforce led by the London Borough of Harrow’s Community Safety Team saw services from across the council, the police, the voluntary sector, and trading standards collectively working to increase confidence in public safety in the Wealdstone area.

Officers spoke to members of the public and businesses in Wealdstone Town Centre and outside Harrow & Wealdstone Station, offering advice and a reassuring presence, particularly to women walking alone. Weapon sweeps were also carried out alongside test purchasing activities, visits to properties known for Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB), and referrals were made for people with addictions and housing issues.

A spot check was completed on a business in the High Street as part of the national ‘Ask for ANI’ campaign. This is a scheme that uses a codeword to provides a safe space through a discreet, and confidential way for victims of domestic abuse to access immediate help in public. 

Trading Standards officers carried out checks on local businesses to ensure compliance with the sales of knives and vapes. One business was inspected in relation to the sale of 'Rambo' knives and was advised of best practice.

The Harrow Safer Spaces map is currently open to residents, which identifies hotspots where people have experienced VAWG, feel less safe because of poor street lighting, or there is a lack of CCTV.

Cllr Anjana Patel, Cabinet Member for Highways, Infrastructure and Community Safety said:

“It’s important that people feel safe on our streets. This week of action in Wealdstone was focused public safety – it’s where residents have told us that they feel unsafe or fear crime. So we have worked with our partners to follow up on issues and engage with people and businesses on what their concerns are and what we can do. 

“This is also about restoring pride in Harrow and keeping our neighbourhoods clean and safe. Checks on House of Multiple Occupants (HMOs), fly-tipping and environmental health related issues were also followed up on.

“I’d like to thank all our teams and partners for putting together a successful week of action.”

Environmental checks were carried out, with several fly tips identified and reported, which have since been cleared.

You can still have your say on where you feel unsafe in the borough so we can take the necessary actions required. Have a look at our interactive map on the MyHarrow Talk website  and tell us where the issues are. Despite the survey being aimed and women and girls, views from all genders are welcome.


Published: 1st February 2024