Empowering residents with an enhanced Adult Social Care service

Adult social care

We’re enhancing our adult social care services for people with additional needs.

With a tailored and flexible approach; our refreshed plans will offer residents more choice, better services, and help them live a more independent life.

With our refreshed plans, we will be putting our residents first; and adults with learning disabilities, autism, sensory and mental health needs will get the support they need in a way that allows them to be in ordinary places, doing the things they want to do that other people do, and helping them to make connections and develop friendships. 

We’ve worked with people who access the current services, and their families to develop innovative wellbeing centres that will support this.

Kenmore and Vaughan Neighbourhood Resource Centres are our first to transition into specialist centres for residents with autism, and profound sensory needs.

Cllr Pritesh Patel, Cabinet Member of Adults and Public Health said:

“I am proud of the work that has taken place to enhance our social care services. Not only are we putting residents first but for those with additional needs it means they will get the support they need. Our new approach gives people more control and independence – and importantly allows them to do the things they want to do.

“I had the pleasure of visiting our specialist centres at Kenmore and Vaughan to see how it’s going. I spoke to users and staff who told me about their experience and how well it is going.

“We will continue to deliver on our flagship action to enhance and develop our other sites to support those in need. The work we are doing will create better outcomes for our citizens, local quality services and more direct access to opportunities.”

We’ll update on the development of our other sites in the coming months.

Watch Cllr Patel's recent visit to Kenmore and Vaughan NRC

Published: 22nd February 2024