Protecting Harrow’s heritage

Street view of properties in Eastcote Road

Two new Local Areas of Special Character (LASC) proposed for parts of West Harrow and Pinner

  • Six-week consultation period agreed for residents living in proposed LASCs. 

  • These areas have heritage significance due to their well-preserved architecture, design features, or landscaping. 

  • Residents who live in the proposed Local Areas of Special Character (LASC) will be able to have their say on the proposals. 

On Tuesday evening, Cabinet Members agreed to a six-week consultation on two proposed LASCs in parts of West Harrow and Pinner. This aims to protect the local character of these neighbourhoods that have special historical interest and locally well-preserved architectural quality.  

An assessment of these two areas was carried out following recommendations by local conservation groups. These found that the areas had heritage significance with locally cohesive, well-preserved townscape, architecture and / or landscaping.  The areas proposed are:  

  • West Harrow: Butler Avenue (3-29 odd and 2-40 even), Lance Road (2-26 even and 1-33 odd), and West Harrow Recreation Ground 

  • Pinner: the eastern half of West End Avenue, Meadow Road and 24-38 Eastcote Road.  

Deputy Leader for the London Borough of Harrow and Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration, Councillor Marilyn Ashton, said:  

“In Harrow we are proud to have areas that are deep rooted with history and high architectural heritage. We introduced the LASC to maintain these unique areas that residents cherish and value. As part of plans to restore pride in Harrow, this policy will also protect Harrow from inappropriate development that is out of character. 

“We’re pleased local groups have suggested these first areas to be considered as LASCs. We look forward to hearing residents’ views on the proposed designation through the consultation.” 

The level of protection from a LASC is different to that of a Conservation Area where permitted development rights are restricted. Permitted development rights allow a property owner to make certain changes to a building without planning permission.  

In a LASC permitted development rights are not affected. However, it would need to be shown that any environmental change requiring permission protects the character of the LASC.  

Residents living in the proposed LASCs and conservation groups, will be contacted by letter and invited to take part in the consultation on the Council’s consultation platform MyHarrow Talk

The outcome of the consultation will be reviewed by the council’s Planning Policy Advisory Panel and Cabinet later this year. 

Read the LASC Cabinet report including photos and details of the two proposed areas.

Published: 23rd May 2024