Extra cost of living support for Harrow

Harrow’s Household Support Fund (HSF) received further funding to help low-income households with the cost of food, utilities, and essential goods.

  • Free School Meal vouchers for more than 6500 households during school holidays in 2024 

  • Food support, information, and advice available from Help Harrow  

  • A number of measures within HSF to help those in need  

£1.47m was granted to the London Borough of Harrow to further assist those in need. The Department for Work and Pensions recently released their fifth round of funding.  

It means Harrow’s HSF will continue to fund Free School Meal vouchers during the school holidays. Around 6,750 families most in need will get vouchers from the council to help with the cost of food during school breaks until the end of 2024.  

The HSF has also extended support to Help Harrow and the Community Hub. They provide quick and easy access to food supplies to Harrow families in need. They also give advice and information on topics such as energy, health wellbeing and benefits. 

The HSF funding also helps deliver: 

  • Advice services delivered through the Conversation Café.  

  • An application-based scheme run by Citizens Advice Harrow. This will target households who have presented with financial hardship and are in need of emergency financial support. 

  • Vouchers for care leavers to support their move to independent accommodation. 

Cllr Stephen Greek, Portfolio Holder for Performance, Communications & Customer Experience said:  

“This is welcome additional funding from the Government which will continue to help those most in need.  

“We are using this funding to provide free school meal vouchers in the school holidays, advice and support through our Conversation Café, and more money to our care leavers as they transition to independence. There will also be emergency support available to those in financial hardship. 

“We encourage anyone struggling to look on our website which has comprehensive information on cost-of-living support or visit Greenhill Library for in-person assistance.”  

For more information on the HSF and the support available visit Household Support Fund.  

Published: 23rd May 2024