Direct action taken on unlawful development

Direct action

Our Planning Enforcement officers have recently taken direct action on two properties, one in College Road and the other at Wyel Lodge.

Both owners were given plenty of time to remedy the breach or remove the unauthorised development entirely but, despite warnings, they took no action leaving the council as the Local Planning Authority no option but to take down the structures. These included unauthorised side extensions, and one property even boasted a canopy and porta cabin in a conservation area.

Cllr Marilyn Ashton, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Planning and Regeneration said:

“The rules and our stance on unlawful development are clear. If you build without planning permission and are unable to retrospectively regularise the development, you will face the consequences.

“No one wants to come to this point. Demolitions are a last resort, and our officers always look at ways to remedy planning issues voluntarily and amicably.

“Where there is continued disregard of the of planning law, like in these two cases, we will not hesitate to take action. 

“We hope this sends a strong message to anyone else who thinks the rules don't apply to them.”

A further five properties were also visited and following pressure from officers, the owners themselves took the necessary steps to comply with the enforcement notices or carry out temporary remedial works before submitting for a revised scheme.


Published: 10th October 2024