Help for rough sleepers in freezing weather


Severe Weather Emergency Protocol activated

Temperatures are dropping and with the mercury set to dip below zero tonight, our Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) is active. 

This means we’ll provide shelter for anyone sleeping rough in Harrow, or temporary accommodation, regardless of their immigration status. 

If you see or suspect someone sleeping rough while SWEP is activated, call the Homelessness team on 020 8424 1093 during office hours or send an alert via Streetlink out of hours. Alternatively, log it through our webform. Give as much information about the person and their location as possible so someone can get help to them. If the person is in immediate danger or needs urgent medical care, call 999. 

Harrow also operates Warm Hubs. These are safe places where Harrow residents will find a friendly and inclusive welcome during cold weather. Come on your own or with a friend, enjoy some company and a hot drink. Find a warm hub.

Find out more about how to get help.

Published: 2nd January 2025