Today, we’re supporting the White Ribbon campaign to raise awareness of and stop violence against women and girls.
This year the theme is about allyship - ‘it starts with men’. Men can be allies by listening to, learning from and supporting women and girls.
White Ribbon Day is a global movement that takes place on 25 November every year. It encourages men and boys to do their bit to end male violence against women and girls (VAWG).
Today, also marks the 16 days of Activism to raise awareness about the issue, and promote healthy relationships, and gender equality. It also encourages men to speak up against gender-based violence.
We are holding special Conversation Café event, on Tuesday 3 December, 11am-2pm at St Peter’s Church, Sumner Road, West Harrow HA1 4BX. The event is a great opportunity for people to meet council staff and community partners including domestic abuse services, and specialists in harmful practices and stalking. Find out more about this special Conversation Café event.
Cllr Pritesh Patel, Cabinet Member for Cleaner streets and public safety said:
“I’m an ally and I’m proud to support White Ribbon Day. Harrow should be a place for women to feel safe to live, work and visit. We cannot just stand by and allow violence against women to happen. That’s why I am encouraging everyone in Harrow to be an ally.
“Being an ally means advocating for gender equality, creating safe spaces and challenging harmful behaviours and stereotypes.
“In Harrow we are committed protect women and girls. Several programs of support are available to those experiencing Domestic abuse and other forms of violence. Together we can help protect vulnerable people and keep our borough safe.”
Over the next 16 days, there are many ways people across Harrow in their communities, organisations and workplaces can get involved. Not just by learning about the issue and challenges, but also by advocating change, listening to women, speaking up and highlighting that everyone – including men - can also make a difference to ending violence against women.
The 16 Days of Activism campaign runs until December 10th, International Human Rights Day. This year’s campaign theme is “#NoExcuse. Unite to end violence against women this winter”. The Council will be commemorating the key awareness days around VAWG with a number of events being run for Harrow professionals.
Here are some actions men can take to show their allyship:
- Listen to the women and girls in your life, believe and support them. 1 in 3 women in the UK will be victims of gender-based violence at some point in their life.
- Learn more about gender equality and understand how certain behaviours and attitudes can lead to violence.
- Be a good role model and create safe spaces for everyone, both at home and at work.
- Know where to direct people to access support. We have a directory of VAWG support services on our website.
- Call it out if you see or hear something in public that isn’t appropriate. Calling out harmful behaviours is important to help bring around change.
Anyone can be an active bystander when witnessing street harassment. If you want to learn more about how to stand up and take action safely, Suzy Lamplugh Trust and L’Oreal are running a free, online training session on Thursday 28 November, 1pm to 1.30pm. Book here – Stand up against street harassment
The London Borough of Harrow has a number of initiatives and programmes to address VAWG.
- We are running our Safer Spaces Survey, where people can feedback on locations in Harrow where they feel safe or unsafe.
- 14 Safe Havens are now in place – spaces anyone can go to if they feel unsafe or are being harassed in the borough.
- If you or a loved one is experiencing domestic abuse, call our Domestic Abuse Service with Cranstoun can help. Call 020 8129 5438 or visit Cranstoun’s website.