Next year’s draft Budget to be reviewed at Cabinet on 17 December and due to launch on 18 December
Every year, we deliver services to more than 263,000 people in Harrow.
On Tuesday 17 December the Cabinet will review the draft budget and agree for us to launch a consultation to gather the views of residents, businesses and community organisations.
The draft budget sets out how as a council we plan to spend our money next year, the services we will invest in and the proposed level of Council Tax.
The consultation will also include the fees and charges for services next year – from commercial waste and highways, to planning services and parking plus other chargeable services.
In Harrow we are heavily reliant on Council Tax – almost 80% of our day-to-day budget is funded by you in this way. We estimate this year (2024/25) it will cost us £203m to deliver public services.
Some services are essential – these are services we must legally provide. This includes supporting vulnerable adults and children with complex needs and disabilities to live better lives and providing temporary accommodation to families and people in need. Other services are important to restore pride in Harrow, like investing in our roads, street cleansing and helping the local economy and residents alike with an hour’s free parking. At the same time, each year we must set a balanced budget.
Two thirds (66%) of our budget – that’s £135m out of £203m - is spent on supporting children and vulnerable adults in Harrow. In addition, soaring levels of homelessness continue to push our bill for temporary accommodation higher – this year the bill has increased by 33% to around £12m.
As well as rising demand, we also have to manage rising prices. If you’re responsible for the weekly shop, you’ll have seen this for yourself. The goods and services the council buys are affected in just the same way. These two pressures together mean that what we expect to spend over the next three years will be £8.7 million greater than the council’s likely income.
Find out more…
Watch the Cabinet meeting on Tuesday 17 December at 6.30pm online – December 2024 Cabinet
The draft budget papers have now been published, which you can also view using this link. You will be able to share your views on the 2025/26 draft budget from 18 December at or by searching MyHarrow Talk online.