Report illegal parking

What is illegal parking?

  • A vehicle is parked illegally if it is in front of a lowered pavement or kerb. This is stated in the Traffic Management Act 2004.

Examples of areas where it is illegal to park include:

  • property driveways
  • pedestrian crossing points 
  • pram crossings.

Report an illegally parked car

You can report an illegally parked car online, you will need:

  • the location of the parked vehicle
  • details of the vehicle
  • your contact details.

Report illegal parking

Are there any exceptions?

The property owner can give permission for the driver to park on their driveway.

What if the vehicle is parked on private land?

It is illegal to park in front of a lowered footway on private land. This applies even if it is not causing an obstruction. 

Our enforcement team will respond when the landowner reports a violation. The landowner must sign a statement confirming they did not give permission to park the vehicle.

A civil enforcement officer will take photos of violators to help resolve the offence.

Can you park on pavements?

Parking a vehicle on a pavement or verge can lead to costs. It can cause damage to the environment. It can also be dangerous for pedestrians.

This is especially true for those with visual or mobility issues or with pushchairs. Parking a vehicle on a pavement is only allowed where there is a signed exception.

We know that finding safe places to park can be hard. We always look for ways to improve safe parking. One way we are doing this is by limiting parking to one side of the road only or one way systems.


Apply for vehicle crossing markings

The white markings across some driveways are only advisory. They are not legally enforceable.

They can help discourage inconsiderate parking near driveways.

Apply for vehicle crossing markings