Listed buildings

Locally listed buildings

What are locally listed buildings?

These are buildings deemed important to the borough. They are of local interest and enhance the town's appearance. They are of historic or architectural value. But their interest may not be high enough for statutory listing. They are not offered the same protection, but they are protected locally by planning policy.

How are they designated?

To determine if a building is worthy of local listing, we must recognise its special interest. We then need to manage its future. Improved management can lead to better neighbourhoods. Considerations include:

  • The contribution made to the local environment.
  • Architectural interest. This includes architectural design, decoration, and craftsmanship.
  • Townscape/Group value. This includes:
    • contributions to unified architectural or historic groups
    • areas of planned townscape or
    • the local townscape.
  • Historic interest. Such as social, economic, cultural, or military history.
  • Close historical ties to important local or national figures or events.

Locally listed buildings in Harrow

We currently have 909 locally listed buildings in Harrow. You can view our locally listed buildings on our listed buildings map.

Locally listed buildings Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

This SPD aims to give good practice advice to owners and occupiers of locally listed buildings. It contains guidance on:

  • maintenance
  • conservation
  • and planning controls.

Locally Listed Buildings SPD

SPDs are non-statutory documents. They are not independently examined. They do not have Development Plan status. But, SPDs are subject to thorough public consultation.

This is in line with our Statement of Community Involvement. It must also be consistent with national and regional planning policies.

SPDs are not statutory documents. But, they are considered in planning applications.