- Local Plan Examination Overview: Details of the submission of the Local Plan, and information on the appointed Planning Inspector and Programme Officer
- Latest News and Updates: Latest News and Updates on the independent Examination of the Local Plan Review
- Examination Documents: Correspondence from the Inspector, Council and Representors and other documents accepted by the Inspector following submission of the Local Plan.
- Core Submission Documents: The submitted Local Plan and supporting documents
- Local Plan Evidence Base: The full list of evidence base documents that support the Harrow Local Plan including the Core Documents.
- Regulation 19 Representations: Representations received as part of the Local Plan submission Version Publication Period (Regulation 19)
- Hearing Sessions: A series of public hearings conducted by the Planning Inspector will take place during the examination of the Local Plan
Local Plan Examination Overview
The London Borough of Harrow Local Plan 2021-2041, along with all representations received at the publication stage and the evidence supporting it, was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination on 26th February 2025.
The new local plan will identify the types of new homes and jobs that are needed across the borough; contain specific site allocations for new development, protect important land and buildings, including the Green Belt and provide a new set of policies to determine planning applications.
An independent Inspector from the Planning Inspectorate will be appointed to examine the Local Plan and its supporting evidence to decide whether the Local Plan meets soundness and legal compliance tests.
The Inspector will consider the comments made as part of the most recent Local Plan consultation and identify various matters, issues and questions to consider as part of the examination.
Information on the Examination Process
Information about the examination process can be found here. This page includes the Procedure Guide for Local Plan Examinations and Guidance for Programme Officers.
Also available is Local plans: taking part in examinations - GOV.UK which is a helpful guide to the whole process for those taking part in the Examination.
Programme Officer
Louise St John Howe has been appointed as the Programme Officer.
She is an independent officer of the examination and works on the Inspector’s behalf, organising and managing the administrative and procedural matters of the examination process. The Programme Officer acts as the contact for anyone who has an interest in the examination, liaising between the Inspector, Representors and the Council.
Any matters that you may wish to raise with the Inspector should be submitted through the Programme Officer.
Programme Officer Contact Details
Telephone: 07789-486419
Post: PO Box 10965, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 3BF