New Local Plan Consultation

Drawing of Harrow Landmarks

We are creating a new Local Plan. It will guide development in the borough from 2021 to 2041. The Local Plan helps shape our approach to:

  • housing needs
  • economic sustainability
  • health and inequality
  • protecting the suburban character of our borough.

Find out more at MyHarrow Talk

Local Plan timetable

Creating a new Local Plan is a long process. The key stages are below:

  1. Evidence base and policy drafting. This happened between 2023-24.
  2. Regulation 18. This is a public consultation on the plan. This happened between February and April 2024.
  3. Review comments made during the public consultation and amend draft Plan as appropriate. 
  4. Regulation 19. This is where a second consultation period occurs on the amended plan. This takes place from 4th November to 17th December 2024.
  5. Regulation 22. This is the submission of the Local Plan. It is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for review. This happens in 2025.
  6. Regulation 24. This is the post-examination of the inspector's report. The final plan is then adopted by us (the council). This happens in 2025.

Consultation on Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) version

The London Borough of Harrow is producing a new Local Plan which will guide development in the borough between 2021-2041. The Council is now consulting on the new Local Plan - Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) version. The consultation runs for six weeks from 12:00pm (midday) on Monday 4th November 2024 and ends at 11:59am on Tuesday 17th December 2024.

We are seeking your views at this very important stage in the process, as it is the final opportunity for you to have your say on the draft Plan before it is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for examination.

You may recall that we undertook a consultation on the new Local Plan earlier this year. Since the previous consultation, Officers have been working to incorporate the revisions requested by the local community where appropriate into the Local Plan, addressing a range of topics. Following a meeting of Full Council on 23 October 2024, it was agreed to undertake a further consultation on the new Local Plan - Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) version.

This page has been set up to provide stakeholders with information on the new Harrow Local Plan including timelines, frequently asked questions, useful documents and relevant links, including how to make a representation. All consultation on the local plan will be run through this page, so please follow this project for updates.

How can you learn more and participate in this consultation?

There are a number of ways you can learn more about the New Local Plan.

In-person Drop-in Consultation Events

We will be holding two public consultation events, where you can drop in to meet with Officers from the Planning Policy Team, ask questions, learn more about the new Local Plan and how to provide feedback. We are holding events on:

  • Thursday 21st November 2024 between 4pm-7.30pm
  • Saturday 23rd November 2024, 10am-1:30pm

Both events will be held at: Harrow Leisure Centre, Masefield Suite, Christchurch Avenue, Harrow, HA3 5BD

You do not need to register to attend these events. Please feel free to join us.

Read the Documents

You can read the documents online by clicking on the document you wish to read below.

You can also inspect physical copies of the proposed submission documents, and the Statement of Representations Procedure at the following locations in the borough:

  • Greenhill Library, Perceval Square, College Road, Harrow, HA1 1GX
  • Kenton Library, 141 Kenton Lane, Harrow, HA3 8UJ
  • Pinner Library, 78 Marsh Road, Pinner, HA5 5NQ
  • Roxeth Library, Northolt Road, South Harrow, HA2 8EQ
  • Stanmore Library, 8 Stanmore Hill, Stanmore, HA7 3BQ
  • Wealdstone Library, 38/40 High Street, Wealdstone, HA3 7AE

You can also view the proposed documents at the Harrow Council Hub, Forward Drive, Harrow, HA3 8FF, but you will need to make an appointment. Please email if you wish to do so.

How do I respond to the Consultation?

Representations at this stage should focus on the legal compliance and ‘soundness’ of the proposed plan. When providing your representations, you should consider the points below:

  • Is the plan legally compliant?- Does the plan comply with the relevant legislation and regulations in the way it has been prepared, and in its content?
  • Does the plan comply with the ‘Duty to Cooperate’? - Has the local planning authority engaged constructively, actively and on an ongoing basis with neighbouring authorities and other prescribed bodies during the preparation of the plan?
  • Is the plan ‘sound’? Has the plan been ‘positively prepared’? Is it robustly justified and evidence-led? Will it be effective in what it sets out to achieve? Is it consistent with regional and national planning policy?

You must include your full name and contact details when making a representation. The Council is not able to accept anonymous submissions during this representation period.

How to submit your representation(s)

You can submit your representation(s) in the following ways:

Complete our online survey(s):

You can complete our surveys to make representations on the policies or site allocations contained within the proposed new Local Plan –Proposed Submission (Regulation 19) version

Make a representation on the policies

Make a representation on the site allocations

Download and complete a feedback form: MS Word feedback form or PDF feedback form These forms will also be available at our consultation events.

Email us with your representation(s) via

Write to us with your representation(s) at New Local Plan, Planning Policy Team, London Borough of Harrow, Forward Drive, Harrow, HA3 8FL.

New Local Plan Consultation FAQs

What is a Local Plan?

Local Plans are documents that set out a vision and a framework for the future development of an area, addressing needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the economy, community facilities, infrastructure, the environment, climate change adaptation, and good design.

Why is the Harrow Local Plan important?

The policies within the Local Plan are used to guide development and decide planning applications. They also assist in the delivery of many Council services and priorities, such as the securing of affordable housing, achieving high quality development in the borough, managing the location, quantity, and quality of development, and promoting the vibrancy and vitality of our town centres.

All of these aspects help to fulfil the Council’s priorities of putting residents first, and creating a borough that residents can be proud of.

The policies are set within the Local Plan for at least the next 5 years, so it is important to have your say on them, and help the council get it right.

Why does Harrow need a new Local Plan?

The current Local Plan was adopted in 2012 and 2013 and can be found here(External link).

Much has changed nationally, regionally, and locally since the current Local Plan was adopted. Consequently, under national and regional policies, many aspects of it are considered out-of-date and therefore a new Local Plan is required.

The new Local Plan will cover a 20-year period from 2021 to 2041.

What is the process for preparing the New Harrow Local Plan?

There are several stages to the Local Plan process, you can find detailed information on this in the Local Development Scheme(External link) (LDS) which was adopted by the Council on Thursday 16 February(External link), and can be accessed in the Documents' section of this page.

The preparation of the Local Plan includes an assessment of how policies could influence sustainability (including environmental, social and economic outcomes) health and equalities. The purpose of the IIA is to highlight and, where possible, address any undesirable effects that may arise regarding sustainability (such as the environment, society and economy), health or equalities as well as identify opportunities for improvements. All Local Plan policies, including alternative policy options have been appraised in the IIA. A Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) is also necessary to assess whether protected habitats and species may be adversely impacted by the plan’s implementation. A HRA screening assessment has been included within appendix E of the IIA (and summarised in section 10) , to assess any potential impacts of the Local Plan on any species or habitats. The findings of this are reflected in the IIA report.

The IIA documents can be downloaded in the Evidence Base below

What happens next?

While this consultation represents a significant and positive step forward for the Local Plan, there are still further stages ahead. This includes a full independent examination by the Planning Inspectorate (appointed by the Secretary of State).

We will provide further updates on the progress of the new Local Plan, so please check back soon.

Want to receive updates?

You can sign up the local plan mailing list, by registering at MyHarrow Talk.

New Harrow Local Plan - Proposed Submission (Reg 19) version

Regulation 19 Consultation – Supporting Documents

  1. Statement of Community Involvement 2024
  2. Local Development Scheme (LDS) - 2023
  3. Integrated Impact Assessment Regulation 19
  4. Integrated Impact Assessment Regulation 19 Non-technical Summary
  5. Integrated Impact Assessment. Report Appendix A - Policy Review
  6. Integrated Impact Assessment Report - Appendix B - Baseline Information
  7. Integrated Impact Assessment Report. Appendix C - Policy Alternatives Summary
  8. Integrated Impact Assessment Report. Appendix D - Policy Assessment
  9. Integrated Impact Assessment - Appendix E Alternatives Assessment
  10. Integrated Impact Assessment - Appendix F Sites Assessment
  11. Integrated Impact Assessment - Appendix G Habitats Regulation Assessment
  12. Consultation Statement (Regulation 18)
  13. Regulation 19 Duty to Cooperate Statement

    Regulation 19 Consultation – Evidence Base

    A key stage of the Local Plan is the evidence base. This means that all policies in the Local Plan must be based on evidence. You can view evidence we used for the Local Plan below.

  14.  Harrow Local Housing Needs Assessment 2024
  15. Harrow Small Sites Capacity Assessment 2022
  16. Harrow Strategic Housing Market Assessment
  17. Harrow LIN Housing Needs Assessment 2023
  18. West London Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) 2018
  19. West London SHMA Addendum 2018
  20. West London Small Sites SHLAA - Part A 2018
  21. West London Small Sites SHLAA - Part B 2018
  22. London Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017
  23. London Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2017
  24. West London Alliance GTAA Report 2018
  25. Harrow Character and Tall Buildings Study 2021
  26. Harrow and Wealdstone Opportunity Area Tall Buildings Study 2024
  27. Harrow Tall Buildings SPD 2023
  28. Harrow Views Management Guidance
  29. Harrow Town Centres Economic Needs Study 2024
  30. London Industrial Land Demand Study 2017
  31. West London Employment Evidence 2019
  32. West London Employment Land Review 2022
  33. Harrow Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Context Report 2023
  34. Harrow Infrastructure Delivery Plan October 2024
  35. Harrow Indoor and Outdoor Sporting Facilities Strategy 2024
  36. Harrow Biodiversity Net Gain (Regulation19 working draft)
  37. Harrow Biodiversity Action Plan 2015
  38. Living Harrow - Climate and Nature Strategy 2023
  39. Living Harrow Climate and Nature Strategy - Appendix 1a Strategic Action Plan 2023
  40. Delivering Net Zero Carbon Report 2023
  41. West London Local Area Energy Plan Report 2023
  42. West London SFRA - Level 1 2022 (12 KB) (DOCX)
  43. New Harrow Local Plan Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – Level 2 (October 2024)
  44. West London Waste Plan 2015
  45. Harrow Long Term Transport Strategy - Consultation Draft 2023
  46. Harrow Electric Vehicle - Draft Strategy 2023
  47. Harrow Burial Space Context Report
  48. Harrow Site Selection Methodology
  49. Plan-level Viability Assessment (October 2024)

Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA)

The IIA assesses how policies and proposed site allocations could influence:

  • sustainability (including environmental, social, and economic outcomes)
  • health and
  • equalities.

The IIA aims to identify and, if possible, fix any negative effects on the above areas. It also seeks to find ways to make possible improvements. The IIA has appraised all Local Plan policies, policy alternatives, and proposed site 

A Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) is also needed. It checks if the plan may harm protected habitats and species. The HRA is included within Appendix G of the IIA and is summarised in section 11.

Privacy Notice

We will only process personal data where we have consent to do so, and you can withdraw your consent at any time. By submitting your personal data in the response form you are consenting for us to process your data and/or consenting to be added to the consultation database. If added to the database, you can be removed upon request.

This data is collected, collated, and then submitted to the Secretary of State, who will appoint an Inspector to conduct an independent examination of the Local Plan. Demographic data will be processed anonymously to assess the effectiveness of our consultation. Where you have consented, your contact details will be added to our consultation database for future consultations and updates on the Examination in Public.

At submission representations will be made public on the council’s website, including name of person and organisation if applicable making representation. Other personal information will remain confidential. Further details contact