Report faulty playground or gym equipment

This is a scheduled service

  • Our park crews check playground equipment weekly. Thorough inspections take place each month.

There are 44 parks in Harrow with 40 playgrounds and 27 outdoor gyms. The outdoor gyms are free to use all year round. They are often near children’s playgrounds. This is so you can combine a workout while your kids are playing.

The gym equipment uses your own body weight so it does not put too much pressure on your joints. We aim to check all equipment regularly. We hope this will help build a healthier community.

If you find a fault with the equipment in our playgrounds or outdoor gyms, please let us know. We'll have our team investigate. If we find any unresolved issues, we will fence off the equipment until it is fixed, replaced, or removed.

Reporting an issue at a playground or gym

To report faulty or broken playground or gym equipment you will need to tell us:

  • the location of the issue
  • information on the type of equipment which is faulty
  • if there are any photos of the faulty equipment.

Report faulty equipment