Harrow transport policy documents

Transport Local Implementation Plan

The Local Implementation Plan (LIP) is a statutory document, prepared under Section 145 of the Greater London Authority Act 1999. It sets out how Harrow Council will deliver the London Mayor’s Transport Strategy (MTS) and sets out local transport objectives, a delivery plan and performance targets.

A new Mayor's Transport Strategy was published in April 2018. London Boroughs were required to prepare a third LIP to address the new mayoral transport priorities. The Harrow Transport Local Implementation Plan was prepared and subject to consultation in 2018/19 and finally approved by the Mayor on 12th April 2019.  It came into effect in 2019/20.

The transport objectives cover the period up to 2041, but the programme of investment is for a three-year period (2019/20 -  2021/22).  The programme is updated approximately every three years.

A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has been prepared on the draft LIP3 and is a legal requirement under UK legislation. The SEA appraises any significant environmental effects of implementing the LIP and sets out the preferred strategy. An SEA statement summarises the key findings of the SEA.

An Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) was undertaken on the LIP and is a legal requirement under UK legislation. The EqIA ensures that LIP3 is compliant with the Council's public equality duty and that there is equality of opportunity within the Council's transport policies.

Road Safety Strategy

The Harrow Road Safety Strategy compliments the LIP and sets out the approach to improving road safety in Harrow and supporting the London Mayor's Vision Zero initiative in the MTS. This was approved in May 2019.

Walking, Cycling and Sustainable Transport Strategy

The Harrow Walking, Cycling and Sustainable Transport Strategy compliments the LIP. It sets out the approach to delivering sustainable transport in Harrow. And it supports the London Mayor’s Healthy Streets and environmental initiatives in the MTS. There are separate sections in the Strategy covering Walking, Cycling, Public Transport, Electric Vehicles and Sustainable Travel to Schools. This was approved in May 2019.

Parking Management and Enforcement Strategy

The Parking Management and Enforcement Strategy is under review and will be published in 2025.