Roadworks in Harrow

Find the location of road works

Road and pavement work in Harrow

View locations where work is being carried out on an interactive map

It shows where work is taking place with details of the nature of the work and estimated timings. The data might not include emergency work or work done at short notice.

View the map

Report a roadworks issue

Report roadwork issues

To report a roadworks issue complete an online form

If the roadworks are being carried out by a utility company, you can contact them directly.

Some examples of roadwork issues you can report online are:

  • The roadworks have finished, but the equipment remains on the roadside
  • The roadworks have finished, but there are concerns with the quality of work
  • The roadworks are causing an obstruction either by car or by foot
  • The roadworks are causing utility access issues

Report a roadworks issue

We aim to respond to your report within three working days.

A site visit from one of our inspectors will be conducted within 5-7 working days.

Who to contact about roadworks

If a utility company is doing the roadworks, contact them using the details below:




  • Report a leak on 0800 111 999
  • Website: Cadent Gas 
  • Tel: 0345 835 1111

British Telecoms Openreach

Virgin Media


  • Vehicle relocation: 0208 416 8783
  • Out of hours: 0208 863 5611

Highway Network Management

The Highway Network Management co-ordinates all non-emergency work on the roads and footways with the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 and the London Permit Scheme.

The majority of works are carried out by utility companies such as gas, water and electricity suppliers. These works are necessary to install new supplies and upgrade existing ones to cope with the change of demand for services.

The Highway Network Management team deals with managing the flow of traffic and pedestrians on the public highway. This includes:
  • road and street work
  • potholes
  • faulty pavements and other highway defects
  • road closures
  • special events on the highway
  • vehicle crossings

Temporary Traffic Regulation Order

You can check temporary road closures and upcoming restrictions via the Traffic Management Orders (TMO) section.

If you need to apply for a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order please complete the TTRO form.

Street Works Licence applications for Non-Statutory Undertakers

For details on temporary order applications, Street Works licences, and fees see the streetworks licence application (2021-22).

NRSWA Section 58 & 58a Restrictions

See our current list of Section 58 Restrictions.