Traffic Management Orders are:
- Written legal documents created by the council to manage, control, and regulate traffic.
- Allow the council to enforce all on-street parking controls in the borough. This includes yellow lines, parking bays and council off-street car parks.
- They may also prescribe a wide range of other controls which can be enforced by the council and police. This includes one-way streets, no entries and turning movements.
Most Traffic Management Orders arise from input from local communities and the police to address specific traffic congestion, parking or road safety issues.
Request a temporary traffic regulation order
To request a temporary Traffic Regulation Order please see Roadwork fees and applications.
Electric Vehicle Charging Points
- 25-17 Havelock Road
- Havelock Road. plan - image
- 25-17 Juniper Close
- Juniper Close - S17 v1 - image
- 25-17 Montgomery Road, Churchill Road
- Montgomery Road - plan - image
- 25-17 Vaughan Road
- Vaughan Road - plan - image
- S17 Notice Grant Road
- Grant Road - plan - image
- S17 Notice - Alexandra Ave
- S17 Notice - Bishop Ken Road
- S17 Notice - Bouverie Road
- S17 Notice -Leigh Court
- S17 Notice - Sherwood Road
Temporary road works and events
- Temporary road closure - Parkfield Avenue
- Temporary road closure - Buckingham Road
- Temporary road closure - Kymberley Road
- Temporary road closure - Harrow View
- Temporary road closure - Wood End Avenue
- Temporary road closures - Carriageway Resurfacing 6
- Temporary traffic order - Whitmore Road Christmas Lights
- Milton Road 2 - Temporary No Waiting and No Loading Restrictions
Proposed and recently introduced traffic management schemes
- Changes to PCN Levels and Fees
- 25-04 Notice of Variation, Increased Permit Parking Charges
- 24-17 Notice of Making, Harrow Town Centre Enhancements
- 25-06 Manor Way and Surrounding area, proposed 20mph speed limit, Waiting restrictions and traffic calming features
- 25-16 Havelock Place Proposed Hump
- 24-26 Local Safety Parking Proposals Statutory Notice of Proposals
- 24-16-2 Notice of Making, Waiting restrictions Merlin Crescent & St. Bride’s Avenue
- 24-24 Proposal of Intent Vehicle Crossovers Accessibility
- 24-24 Proposal of Intent Vehicle Crossovers Accessibility
- 24-13 Parking place made order
- 24-13 Disabled parking places notice of making
- 24-13 Disabled parking places made order
- Disabled Persons Parking Places, Various Roads, Harrow
- Penylan Place & Summit Close, Proposed Permit Parking Area (PPA)Zone “SP” and Waiting Restrictions
- 24-16-2 Merlin Cres & St Brides Crescent, Statement of Reasons Notice of Proposal, Draft Orders and Plans
- 24-23 Local Safety Scheme Various Roads, Statement of Reasons Notice of Proposal, Draft Orders and Plans
- 24-22 Hailsham Drive, Headstone Drive and Roxborough Park, Statement of Reasons Notice of Proposal, Draft Orders and Plans
- 24-21 Statutory Notice of proposals, draft Order, plans and Statement of Reasons. Woodway Crescent, proposed extension to CPZ Zone S
- Statutory notice of making of Traffic Order amending Parking Places and Waiting Restrictions in Spencer Road, Wealdstone
- Statutory notice of making of Traffic Order reducing speed limit to 20mph in Pinner Park and surrounding roads
- Statutory notice of proposals of amendments to Parking Places in various locations to facilitate the implementation of Vehicle Crossings
- Statutory notice of proposals of amendments to Parking Places in various locations to facilitate the implementation of Disabled Persons Parking Place
- Statutory notice of proposals to introduce "at any time" Waiting Restrictions on Merlin Crescent (24-16)
- Statutory notice of amendments made to School Entrance Markings
- Statutory notice of making of Traffic Order amending Free Parking Places on Pinner Hill Road
- Statutory notice of making of Traffic Order formalising no entry at the junction of The Lawns and Rowlands Avenue
- Statutory notice of making of Traffic Order amending Waiting Restrictions on Lyncroft Avenue
- Statutory notice of making of Traffic Orders amending Parking Places to facilitate the implementation of vehicle crossings across the Borough
- Statutory Notice of Making of Traffic Order amending charging structure in On-Street parking places and Off-Street Car Parks
- Statutory Notice of Making of Traffic Order introducing “At Any Time” Waiting Restrictions in College Avenue
- Proposal to install Disabled Person Parking Places in various locations in the Borough and adjustment of Permit Parking Places where necessary (24-13)
- Statutory notice of proposed changes to Traffic Order reallocating Parking and Waiting Restrictions in Spencer Road, from CPZ "CA" to CPZ "J"
- Statutory notice of proposed amendment to Waiting Restriction Traffic Order in College Avenue
Road closures in neighbouring boroughs
Sometimes road closures in neighbouring boroughs may have diversion routes through Harrow.
You will need to check their websites for further information: